Hardcore Extreme


Hi everyone,
I was wondering if you all could tell me what the three segments on HCE are like. Are they all cardio, mixture weights and cardio, or all weights? Thanks
It's a continuing process.....
Christi, you can find a break down here:

I've watched all three and suppose I like the hi/lo one the best, although I'm not so sure I'll do well on the hi part.:) I'm not much into interval training, but I guess I can use this when I need to shock my system. I definitely can't use the high impact segment. Too jarring for these genetically-challenged knees.:) I'm a weights girl and am not too fond of workouts like these, but I'll keep HCE for a while and see what I can do with it.

I, personally, loved Hardcore Extreme and I am a "circuit type" of person. My favorite Hardcore workout is the High Step Challenge. Hardcore Extreme has one workout that mixes parts of High Step Challenge with aerobics and the other too are a mix of cardio from Kick max, Imax 3 and Low Max. I like the variety, although its a bit difficult to learn quickly since she spends no time moving from one clip to the next.
Hi there

Whoops! edited to say that Pinky gave a link with way more info than mine--sorry

HCE #1 is a mixture of IMAX 3 intervals and HSC segments. I have not done this one yet, but will later this week. It looks fun.

HCE #2 is a mixture of
1 low max interval
2 IMAX 3 intervals
1 low max interval
2 IMAX 3 intervals
1 low max interval
1IMAX 3 interval
Kick Max cardio challenge=all 10 blasts

I think this one is a killer, but I really enjoy it.

HCE #3 is a mixture of
3 IMAX 3 intervals
Kick Max cardio challenge blasts 1-5
3 IMAX 3 intervals
Kick Max cardio challenge blasts 6-10
Kick Max leg drills with chair.

I really enjoy this one as well.

HCE is a keeper for me.

take care

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