Hardcore Extreme question


I just recently won this on ebay and was wanting opinions on it. I'm looking to incorporate more cardio in my workout and thought this looked like it had a good mix of that. Thoughts on this workout would be greatly appreciated
I incorporate these into my workout quite a bit. The High Low interval one is a great one with 59 min. of cardio on it doing I Max 3 segments, Low Max and finishing off with the KM blasts. I think the toughest though is the one with the I Max 3 segments, with 5 of the KM blasts then all over again followed by KM Lower conditioning. The Circuit one is more cardiovascular in my opinion than the HSC but not as intense. Now this is just my opinion. I really like them.
Diane Sue
I love this one as well. Before a 3 week illness I was using these a lot! Now that I'm back to my usual workout schedule I will begin incorporating these again. I have not done the one that includes the HSC yet but the other two are fabulous cardio workouts!
I have not done HCX #1 (the circuit workout), so I can't comment on that one, but HXC #2 and #3 are good tough cardio workouts, I think. I really enjoy them.

I really like #2 on HCE because it combines my two favorite Hardcore workouts. (lowmax and Imax3) I just did #3 for the first time this morning and also enjoyed that one quite a bit. I actually had to pause the DVD to catch my breath before moving on to the KickMax blasts. Whew!:eek: #1 is okay but not necessarily a favorite of mine.
Diane Sue Your new web page is very nice! Your husband must be very proud of you and obvoiusly he adores you!
AKA "Likes2bfit"

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