For some reason I thought that most of you guys were in your thirties - I REALLY appreciated all the thoughts everyone shared - pressures around being a perfect woman (anything less and you’re somehow inadequate) - growing older - feeling or NOT feeling older - hormones - all of it. I had to run and get some cat food and was thinking: Have I ever stood in a grocery line where there wasn’t at least one magazine with 1) Photo’s of a flawless celeb, 2) Photo’s that shamed some OTHER celeb for being less than flawless 3) A “new, revolutionary” diet (high or low carb - fat flush - eat all you want on Tuesdays -eat only cabbage and artichokes ,etc.) 4) The exercise to give you perfect thighs AND 5) [here’s the kicker] An unbelievable dessert recipe, oh to die for, you just HAVE to try it - all while redecorating your entire home with do it yourself projects in your "free time" for less than $100.00 ??!!!
Truly. And it wouldn’t be too hard, I’d bet, to find ALL of these things in the SAME magazine (oh. Almost forgot the “How to really please a man” articles … gotta love those) . I think this is along the same lines as some of the things you guy's mentioned. Maybe too why birthday’s can get us down. It’s sort of tricky to be eternally 20 and flawless if you’re … a human being. Seems like we’re still supposed to get past that little hurdle and figure out a way. 40 + doesn’t feel like I thought it would either. But I’m like you Roselyn, 40 kicked my butt for awhile. Now though, (on good days) I can see the upside. I’m much stronger/healthier than I was in my teens, twenties and part of my thirties. Physically, mentally and emotionally/spiritually. I’m a big believer in all those components being on board together. A lot of my life force and energy and time were consumed by trying to be perfect - superficially. On a deeper level it wasn’t about that at all (body image, etc.) but that was 'easier' to focus on than it was to do the inner work necessary to heal and come to better terms with a bunch of other stuff (although I'm lucky it didn't kill me). I still (of course) have work to do but if I ever don’t feel that way, someone please slap me. Having work to do is a different perspective/approach than believing I was broken and needed to “fix” myself. I guess it took 40+ years to get here. So this age is a good thing - a good time. Sometimes it’s still very hard not to get caught up in all the magazine hooey, but reading your thoughts and experiences on these subjects helped me at least remember I’m not alone. And women who are a little bit older than me (like Diane Sue and Lora) but still sparkle with vitality and beauty and such KICK BUTT workouts make me feel pretty ok about letting time just be time and flowing with it.
So. Thank you.
And thank you Cheryl, for honestly putting out there how you were feeling (about your birthday, etc). I think you brought up a topic we all can relate to - started a good chain reaction. You go with the comfy clothes! I've got mine on. Hope you have a good evening and feel better.
Truly. And it wouldn’t be too hard, I’d bet, to find ALL of these things in the SAME magazine (oh. Almost forgot the “How to really please a man” articles … gotta love those) . I think this is along the same lines as some of the things you guy's mentioned. Maybe too why birthday’s can get us down. It’s sort of tricky to be eternally 20 and flawless if you’re … a human being. Seems like we’re still supposed to get past that little hurdle and figure out a way. 40 + doesn’t feel like I thought it would either. But I’m like you Roselyn, 40 kicked my butt for awhile. Now though, (on good days) I can see the upside. I’m much stronger/healthier than I was in my teens, twenties and part of my thirties. Physically, mentally and emotionally/spiritually. I’m a big believer in all those components being on board together. A lot of my life force and energy and time were consumed by trying to be perfect - superficially. On a deeper level it wasn’t about that at all (body image, etc.) but that was 'easier' to focus on than it was to do the inner work necessary to heal and come to better terms with a bunch of other stuff (although I'm lucky it didn't kill me). I still (of course) have work to do but if I ever don’t feel that way, someone please slap me. Having work to do is a different perspective/approach than believing I was broken and needed to “fix” myself. I guess it took 40+ years to get here. So this age is a good thing - a good time. Sometimes it’s still very hard not to get caught up in all the magazine hooey, but reading your thoughts and experiences on these subjects helped me at least remember I’m not alone. And women who are a little bit older than me (like Diane Sue and Lora) but still sparkle with vitality and beauty and such KICK BUTT workouts make me feel pretty ok about letting time just be time and flowing with it.
So. Thank you.
And thank you Cheryl, for honestly putting out there how you were feeling (about your birthday, etc). I think you brought up a topic we all can relate to - started a good chain reaction. You go with the comfy clothes! I've got mine on. Hope you have a good evening and feel better.