Hardcore Check in March 20,2011


No workout today. Eats were not bad. No breakfast. A packet of Disney fruit snacks. Then lunch at Denny's. Which was a veggie burger and veggies and dip. Poor guy did not know what I was talking about and had to look at the menu. Said no one has ever ordered that. Maybe that was not a good thing??
Dinner was a spinach salad w/ fat free ranch. I am sure I will have something else. Spending lots of good time with dh. We went out on the Harley looking at homes and new building around here.

Hermia, I am so glad that you are back checking in:D
Thanks, Diane Sue. =)

I used to work at Denny's...the veggie burger (I think it was called a boca burger, at least when I was there) is definitely not that commonly ordered. =)
Do you ever get the Morning Star ones from the grocery store? Those are yummy.

Today's workout was another yoga class.

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