Hard Time Motivating


Hi Cathe,

I am really having a hard time getting going. I guess I am "bored" with my current workouts. Any suggestions? I am also finding my time more and more limited. I like to get in 6 days/week, even if only for half and hour, but I am finding that my body only tolerates 5 days. Kness, hips and ankles get pretty sore if I try to get in that 6th day. Any suggestions? Thank you for anyone who will help.
Dear Susan, you might want to post this in the open discussions board, you might get more help there. :)

also, knowing your age, general physical condition, and weekly excercises can help us pinpoint why you are getting so sore.

I'd have to say, just from reading this, that you should listen to your body and only do 5 days a week. also lean more towards lower impact excercises so as to not stress your knees, etc.

take care! -Tina
I guess I should have mentioned all of those things. I am 43, have worked out from the time I was 18 to 32, then took an 8 year hiatus basically, to have kids and finish my medical training. I am in good, probably not great, physical condtion. I can complete most of IMAX, but can't do airborne stuff. I lift weights 2X/week and do cardio 3-4 days per week. I have EXTREMELY time limited schedule as I work (leave my house at 6:30 am and return around 5 or so)and run a crazy household.

It's not just the soreness, it's just a complete lack of motivation. I used to look forward to my "time". Now, I try to think of excuses, though rarely actually excuse myself. Although I can see the muscle development, I definitely need to grab more definition. My diet is pretty bad. Sooo, just looking for ideas of how people get themselves out of a bad rut.
Obviously I am not Cathe, but I am going to try to give you my ideas since you and I sound very similar (40's, 2 kids, demanding job..I think we are both in anes).

I get up very early to exercise (4:15am) so I can get to the hospital by 6:30am. The key to my motivation to getting up that early: I must get in bed by 9pm. I have the whole family alerted on that, and mostly, they are helpful in at least being quiet while Mommy is trying to fall asleep. As my fatigue grows, motivation drops off. If I get some sleep, I suddenly have renewed motivation. I also plan out my workouts, so I know what I am scheduled to do each day. I purposely schedule my rest day during the week rather than the weekend, since I have more time on the weekend to sleep and exercise

From your e-mail, it doesn't sound like you struggle with your weight, but I do!!! So, one of the "deals" I make with myself is that before I take an unplanned day off, I have to weigh myself. After that, if I still want to take a day off, I do it. Other strategies: plan a reward ("if I exercise 10 out of the next 14 days, I'm going to get a pedicure" etc.) I also schedule longer workout sessions on the weekend, so that my total exercise time for the week is 7-9 hours (makes up for missing a workout or two during the week).

Finally, NEVER beat yourself up about this issue. You are not lazy, a bad person, uncommitted etc for having trouble getting motivated to exercise. You are human and have many, many demands on your time and your mind. The amount you do in one day at work and at home likely qualifies you as super human. I bet folks wonder how you do it. The answer to that is that you prioritize and work your behind off. So, when you have those talks with yourself, be kind, realize how much you are balancing, and remind yourself that being able to exercise is a gift, that it really does feel good, and it is a time to focus on your own well being.

Good luck,
Not Cathe here, but I wanted to add to what SMom said above. You mentined that your diet is poor. I find that when I don't eat healthy (I don't mean clean, just generally healthy) I lose my motivation. Basically, if I eat junk, I feel like junk. I don't feel like working out, I don't feel like taking care of myself, I eat more junk and I start sliding down a slippery slope.

It's not easy, but try to make an effort to choose healthier, lower fat options, more fruits and veggies, higher fiber, etc. For some reason, just eating better gets me more motivated. Maybe that would help you too.

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