Today was the
Low Impact Upper Body Trisets workout and I had a great time with it. Loved the exercises Cathe has in this one but I was a bit worried with some of the shoulder work. However, I went light and I feel great right now. I'm coming to the acceptance that if I want to lift, I need to do it light and smart. I'm seeing changes already, even though i'm not lifting heavy. I like it. No bulk, just cuts. And it's amazing how quickly my body responds to weight work. I love it!
The music in this one sucked, too. It sounds like Cathe was on an acid trip doing these workouts.
Another complaint is the warmup and cooldown was the same from the lower body workout.
Here is what I did:
Triset #1
Soldier Plank Pushups - 16 reps
Shoulder Incline Press - 10's/16 reps (2nd set 8's)
Lying Triceps Extension on Ball - 8's/16 reps
REPEAT - I just did regular pushups.
Triset #2
Cross-Over Leg Pushups - 16 reps
Incline Shoulder Arches - 3's/15 reps
Plank Kickbacks - 5's/12 reps
REPEAT - I just did regular pushups. I did not do the Plank Kickbacks, I just did to modification Cathe showed.
Triset #3
Alternate Chest Flyes - 12's/16 reps
External Rotation Lateral Raise - 5's/10 reps
Dive Bombers or See Saw Pushups - 10 reps
REPEAT - I did the See Saw Pushups.
Triset #4
One-Arm Rows w/Leg Lifts - 12#/15 reps
Incline Hammer Curls w/Twist - 12's/16 reps
Ball Crunches - 8#/16 reps
REPEAT - I didn't like the ball crunches, didn't feel them. Next time I'll do something different.
Triset #5
Stability Ball Pullovers - 12#/15 reps
Alternate Curls - 12#/16 reps
Ball Exchange - 20 reps
Triset #6
Rear Delt Flyes - 3's/16 reps
Concentration Curls over SB - 12#/15 reps
Reverse Crunches - 32 reps