Hard Core Fitness Maniacs September 2024

You can also go to the workout manager and get a list of the moves. I just copy and paste. The Guide has the workout cards included.
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Belinda, it sounds like you have a good plan for getting your RV fixed and working around it for other stops. I hope it gets fixed so you have no more problems.

Roselyn, nice work on STS 2 Total Body Giant Sets
thanks diane sue i found them!

Have a HAPPY LABOR DAY tomorrow, i really cannot believe my neighborhood pool is closing seems like I jusr started going :( But this year,, my grandbaby came a couple of times he is 20 onths old already !! My daughter is starting the fertility journey again so if you all could send some prayers they are appreciated
Good morning,

STS 2.0 Lower Body 1 is done.

Yesterday ended up being a rest day with lots of walking at the Key West. We got caught up in the Jimmy Buffet parade, lol. We parked our car near by. Parking a car is very expensive. We left one place we wanted to have a late lunch, they wanted $27 for the first hour, WTH? Had to walk around the parade. The humidity is so high here.

Diane - thank you. It all gets fixed. They will keep the RV in the bay, lots of people will be working on it. This way it gets done quicker.

Roselyn - thanks for starting us off for this month. Praying for your daughter.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
Today I did Kelly's new Raw Kickbox #3, 40 minutes, 177 calories, heart rate 119/157, 2149 steps. I finished with STS 2 Total Body Stretch, 24 minutes, 26 calories. Total time 64 minutes, 203 calories. I think the stats would have been better on the Kickbox, but I forgot to loosen my Garmin one notch. For some reason it reads better when kind of loose. Plus, I was pretty careful with movements. Yesterday I was sitting on the floor going through some art books and when I went to get up what I think is my knee cap sliding and locked on me. I have had it happen a couple of other times. It really hurts when it happens. I walked back out with my hands till I got on my stomach and pushed down on the leg and it popped back into place. The first time that happened, I was in pain for two days before it finally popped back on it's own. Anyway, I did not want to turn my leg at the wrong angle. The second time I managed to sit up and get my leg straight in front of me and push down and it went into place. I was researching it last night. Saw Bob and Brad show some moves to strengthen the muscles around it. It feels fine once it is back in place.
Kelly has today's workout and the Box and Pump 8, another jump workout(not interested), and a lower body and kick workout. Box and pump is lower body with boxing. I like the kickboxing 3 workout. She does do some squat thrusts with an option just to stay with the squat 3 times.

Roselyn, I am glad that you found the work sheets and got in PHA2. Prayers for your daughter too. Hope things go well.

Belinda, nice work on STS 2 lower body 1. Do you ever have problems with your knees locking out? Just curious. I read that arthritis can cause it to happen and PT can help. I guess they were really wanting to make some money off of the Jimmy Buffet Parade.
I am sure that they want happy customers and will get it fixed right for you.
Oooops, I posted on the old thread. Forgot it was September.

I am supposed to do one more week of STS 2 but I think I'm done for now. Just don't feel like it. This will be my active recovery week and then next week I think I'll start Body Beast. We'll see how that goes.

This morning I did RAW Kickbox 3 which was a fun workout with good music, but of course, you couldn't hear the music hardly at all. Usually her music is so loud you can't hear her, but she finally has some good music and you can hear it. LOL!! Oh well... I didn't use my egg weights except through one segment. This one got my HR up pretty good without them.

Workout was 41 minutes, burned 326 calories, did 4256 steps and HR was 135/167.

Hope you all have a great day!!
I did Vertical Loading yesterday and I am sore today. I have decided to have an active recovery week because it is so hot and humid this week, I think this is the perfect time for a rest period. I may workout one day but other than walking that will be it. I am burned out from summer, my workouts and I am just plan tired.

Great job on the workouts over the past few days everyone. See you in a few days.
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I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 1. Tomorrow is a stretch day/foam rolling. I will do LB1 tomorrow and UB1 Thursday before we leave Friday. I can always get a stretch workout in on travel day‘s.

Diane - yes, it looks and a lot of swelling. I see my doctor next week about it. It‘s ridiculous. My shoulder/biceps/neck are getting a little better. I guess all those mobility workouts are helping. If I am not mistaken, Jimmy Buffet lived in the Keys. He also has a restaurant. Yes, they want their customer to be happy. At first, we wanted to drive from the Keys to Alabama, leave the RV there. After thinking about it a little more, we decided to go home first, empty the RV (Only bring what we need for a few day‘s). They have to do some work on the cabinets as well. It‘s just easier this way. We have way too much inside the RV. It‘s a lot easier for me to travel in the RV than in a car for 14 hours both way‘s. Nice job on Raw KB workout.

Debbie - nice job on your Raw KB workout this morning.

Roselyn and Jolie - good job.

Good night.
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47 degrees this morning!!

This morning I walked on my treadmill and had a good walk.

Workout was 60 minutes, burned 536 calories (!!!), went 3 miles, did 6951 steps and HR was 147/187.

Jolie - My thoughts exact. For me it's getting harder and harder to get up at 4:30 to workout. I am not getting enough sleep anymore even though I go to bed at 9:00. I just feel so tired all the time.

Belinda - Good job with your workout. Glad you are having a good time, I'm sure it's very hot there this time of year!!

Have a great day everyone!

STS 2.0 Lower Body 1 is done. Tomorrow I will do STS 2.0 Upper Body 1.

Debbie - great job on your workout this morning. Yikes that is cold. It been 86 with high humidity, makes it feel much hotter. I am not looking forward to colder weather.

Off to get my last minute shopping done and do more sighting. BBL
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Today I did Raw Box and Pump #8, 50 minutes, 133 calories, heart rate 92/133. This is supposed to be 40 minutes, but the workout went blank and I kept trying to get it back. I realized a bit later that the internet went out when I got a warning that my doorbell camera was also disconnected. I finished using my cell phone. I liked this workout and the music was good although not original singers. There was some upper moves along with lower.

Raw Box & Pump #8 20,15,10# dumbbells and two weight plates for elevation 45 sec work
warm up
double jab/squat/single jab/jack start right
double jab/squat/single jab/jack start left
deadlift 8 reps 20# dbs
hammer curls alternating 15# dumbbells 16 reps
repeat boxing and weights

jab cross/jab cross/knee right
jab cross /jab cross/knee left
heels elevated goblet squat 20# db 11 reps
lateral raise overhead dumbbells together 8# dbs(Kelly 10#) 10 reps
repeat boxing and weights

jab/uppercut/double punch down right
jab/upper cut/double punch down left
wide squat leaning forward staying in heels and not coming all the way up(I missed what she called it) 20# db 10 reps
triceps overhead extensions 10# dbs 12 reps (switched to 1 15# db 2nd time)
repeat boxing and weights

cross to ankle/hook/hook jab right
cross to ankle/hook/hook/jab left
bentover run rows alternating 15# dbs 28 reps (kelly 20# 1st rnd)
overhead dumbbell hold 10# knee ups (i did knee ups crunch with the 10# instead)
repeat boxing and weights


Debbie, nice work on yesterday's kickbox #3 and today's treadmill walk.

Jolie, nice work on Vertical Loading yesterday. I am feeling pretty good after taking some recovery time. I think it is good to do once in a while.

Belinda, nice work on yesterday's STS Upper Body 1 and today's Foam rolling Lower Body #!. I kind of thought with your knees you might have lock out and the swelling comes with it. I am fortunate mine can be put back in place. Today I wore my compression sleeve on that knee for weights. I don't blame you for wanting go home first and empty things out of the RV. It will probably be better for them when working with the cabinets. Keeping up with the stretching and mobility sure helps. I did mobility yesterday. Still need to get it in today.
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This morning I did RAW Upper Sculpt/Lower Tone and I had an excellent workout. This is one of my most favorite workouts from Kelly. I used my 3# dumbbells for the upper sculpt, which was boxing moves and I used 5# ankle weights for the lower body part. I also used Egg weights for the faster moves.

This was 50 seconds on/10 off although toward the end Kelly shortened it. This is how it went:

3# dumbbells - did right side, then left:
Upper Cuts
Speed Bag - These were hard with the 3# db

Standing legs using 5# ankle weights - did right side, then left:
Shin Blocks
Knee Pull
Back Kicks or Lifts

Above Jabs, hooks, upper cuts, speed bag but faster - first right then left side but I used my 1.5# egg weights since it was faster

Above Shin Blocks, Knee Pull, Back Kicks but faster - first right, then left side

Jab/Cross (each side separately) - 3# DB
Hook/Up (each side separately) - 3# DB

Leg work on the Floor:
Glute Kicks
Alternate Fire Hydrants

Above Jab/Cross and Hook/Ups but faster (used my 1.5# egg weights)

Leg work on the floor:
Up & Out
Leg back, heel up/Toe to floor raises

Jab, Hook, Upper, Squats - 3# DB
Repeat other side

Leg work on floor:
Cross Over, each side separately
Alt. Knee In
Hamstring Curls, each side separately

Alt. Jabs, Hooks, Ups, Squat - 3# DB
Same without weights (cool down)

Workout was 49 minutes, burned 313 calories, did 2383 steps and HR was 123/154.

Belinda - Great job with Lower Body, how are your knees doing? I am also not looking forward to the cold winter. :(

Roselyn - Great job with Metashred. Who leads that workout?

Diane - RAW Box & Pump 8 looks like fun, I want to do that one. I was toying with starting Body Beast next week which means I won't get to B&P 8 until I'm done with it. Bummer. I love those B&P workouts. Glad the rest did you good, I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.

Have a great day everyone!!
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It will be 98 degrees today at the beach!!!!!! Holy Crap, it was so hot when I woke up this morning to walk the dogs. Yesterday I walked the pup for 2 miles and the same for today. We get too hot and come home early, I do not want to get blisters on my feet because my socks get very damp. I have to say, I am loving my rest week. I am burned out from the heat of summer and my workouts. I just don't care as much anymore about getting 5 to 6 workouts in a week anymore. My back is so much better from not lifting so many times per week and I have so much more energy. I think as we age everything that we did younger may not be the things we should do at this age. I really do not care about insane muscle definition either, I just want to be fit and healthy. It should be cooler weather next week, thank God!

Debbie, great job on the TM walk and the workout this morning. I wish it was that cool in the morning here, I am dying to wear jeans and sweaters! I need more sleep now as well. I do not have to get up at a specific time, but I do get up early since I go to bed at 8:30pm. I am not going to do Body Beast with you. I decided to stick with CL workouts and just go with the flow...

Belinda, great job on the lower body workout. Was it super humid in Florida? I was wondering it that weather helped your joints or not?

Diane Sue, way to go on the workout! I am so glad that your rest time made you feel better.

Roselyn, who does the workout Metashred? I have never heard of that workout.

Stay cool my friends. What about another school shooting! Thank God someone had a gun to help with stopping the shooter. That is why some teachers should have conceal carry permits.
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We are hading off tomorrow. RV is clean and ready to go. I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 this morning. We spend the last day walking around Key West.

Debbie - great job on your workout today. my knees are doing better. Thanks for asking. How are you feeling?

Diane - I will see my doctor on Tuesday about my knees. I do believe it got better with the nice weather we having here. Once I am home, that‘s another story. Nice job on your workout,

Jolie - it‘s super humid in the Key West. Tropical heat. I do believe the warm weather helped my joints.
I will check in tomorrow night. Glad your back is feeling better. those compressions are driving me nuts. After awhile everything is hurting. I will do stretching/mobility tomorrow. You are so good keeping up with them.

I will check in tomorrow.
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Today I did CDorner Step and Tone with dumbbells, 45 minutes, 195 calories. I added her 30 day challenge day 12 upper body stretch 10 minutes, 14 calories. Total time was 55 minutes, 209 calories. It has been a really busy day today full of cleaning out a closet and organizing all of my art stuff. My husband bought me some organizer drawers to put my art stuff in rather than me having to drag out a huge tote when I am doing artwork. I had so much junk I don't use in the closet so was tossing things. Too many project totes, like scrapbooking, different forms of art stuff, books and toss in old shoes and things that are in that closet because I do not wear them. Feels good to have done that, but I am tired and spent way too much time on the floor in lousy posture. Foot and neck hurt by the time I got done and then cleaned and mopped the whole house.

Debbie, nice work on Upper Sculpt Lower tone today. I am going to try to be careful of going overboard with boxing. I love the workouts though. I wonder why Kelly started the jump workouts. I worry about trying something like that, and she uses a step to jump onto.

Jolie, nice work on the walk even though it got to warm for you. It got up to 90 here today. It seems to be cooling down a lot though. I am not looking forward to winter weather at all. Summer went by way to fast. I need more sleep, or I just am not very productive throughout the day. It seems like when I am tired I just wander around on auto pilot and things get done that have to be done without me even thinking about much other than I am tired and dragging. Eight hours of sleep and I am energetic most of the time.
It seems we have way more shootings and school incidents as the years move forward. So much hate and malice through media and all over the place. It makes me sad. The worst is when it is happening at such a young age. My granddaughter told me that a girl committed suicide in the school restroom.

Belinda, I hope things go well when you get your RV back. Nice work on STS 2 Upper Body 1 today. I find rainy days and cold weather seem to make my joints ache more. I hope your doctor appointment is helpful. I see my rheumatologist next month and get that field vision test done. This month I am happy there is no appointments.

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