Today I did upper body

4 sets, 6 reps

barbell shoulder press 40#
barbell bicep curl 40#
flat bench tricep extensions 16#

Seated Lat raise 15#
Incline curls17#
Seated overhead one arm extensions 15#

seated rear delts 15
concentration curls 30#
cross body kickbacks 15#

Then I did shadowboxing form rapid fire.

Another snow day here, although my son has been home with strep and then the flu got him so he really has been sick since last wed. As of last night his fever was still 102, but I think this morning he finally felt cool, fingers crossed.
Today was cardio and I chose the kickboxing combos from Kickbox Surge by Amy Bento. I wanted to stop at around 45 minutes to get in some ab work but I was having so much fun I ended up doing the whole thing. I'll have to start getting my abs done when I weight train. This rotation allows me time to do that. I'll only get ab work in one time this week.

I don't know why I enjoyed this workout so much this morning, usually I feel like Amy's workouts just drag on, but not this morning. I had energy and just had fun with it.

58 minutes total
4 minutes below zone
14 minutes in zone
40 minutes above zone
484 calories burned
Roselyn-I hope your son feels better

Debbie-I'm glad you had good energy, that workout can go either way but usually the music alone makes it fun :)

Lori-how's it going?

Yesterday I did Circuit Blast, I enjoy the pace of that workout :eek: It was definitely more of an energy day for me so that was good. Today I start my training after work, but we have more snow headed in.....not sure what I will do.
Morning, :D

I got up pretty last this morning, almost didn’t make this workout happen, but I did. Usually, (I thought) I need about 25 to 30 minutes to prepare for any workout, but this one happened in 15, BIG ^5 to me;)

Disc – 8 Back and Triceps

Lat pull downs w/band wu 10r
Double arm row w/band wu 28r
Seasaw pushups wu 10r
Dips 16r
Chin-ups 18r
(used tubing)
DB seated overhead ext one arm #10 15r
T pull w/band (purple)
BB flat bench triceps ext 30/14
BB rows 40/21r
Y’s w/band (purple)
DB kickbacks one arm #8/15
DB one arm horizontal row #20/15r
DB dealifts #20
DB close grip bench press#15/15r
One arm press down w/band (gray) 36r
Chin-ups 19r
(used tubing)
DB seated overhead ext both arms #15/15r
BB rows 40/21r
Double arm rows w/band (purple) 36r
DB side leaning one arm overhead ext #10/15
BB rows DB row both arms 3sets of 10 20/15/10
DB kickbacks double arm #5/15
One arm band kickbacks (purple)
Pull-ups 21
(used tubing)
DB cross body kickbacks 3 sets of 10 reps 15/10/8
Incline straight arm flys #10/15r
Side lying one are pushups 16r
BB scapular retractions 40/16r
Superman on fl arms & legs elevate 24r

Lori - No, I did not switch out GS leg for STS. I decided to throw in another leg day and also another total body or total upper body. Now that I’m getting my MoJo back, I need to step it up.
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It is icey and cold today. They closed the schools. I had to get my workout in early so here I am done and waiting on the repair technician. My workout was Shock Cardio Hiit 30/30 28 min, 243 calories, Avg HR 138, Max HR 167. I then did Intensity premmix 9 Hiit Low & Bootcamp, 35 min, 279 calories, 131 Avg HR, 162 Max HR. I then did Cardio Cor Circuit functional core only premix 7 min 43 calories. I finished off with budokon flow and flexibility skipping the meditation and spinal warm up and stopping after the water wheel segment. 11 min 55 calories. I would have liked to do more but was afraid with my luck I would be in the shower when the guy showed up. It was good though. Stretched out my tight hamstrings and hip flexors pretty well. Total time spent today was 81 minutes and calories burned was 577.

Eats yesterday-
post workout on the road coffee and South Beach Living High Protein bar
breakfast- 1/2 serving Flax and Snax low carb hot cereal in cinnamon and spice, almonds, Schwann's triple berry blend frozen berries heated with cereal, extra cinnamon and I poured 1 serving of biochem greens and whey with almond milk over it. Wasn't bad, but wasn't yummy either
lunch-Scwann's turkey and pork meatballs with spinach and portabella mushrooms mixed with Schwann's mediterranean blend veggies
dinner-Clean Eating Magazine Beef Stir Fry with caramelized onions and bell peppers over quinoa
snack- a few walnut halves and another South Beach living bar(I think these upset my stomach so I need to quit eating them)
1,365 calories
123 gm carbs
55 gm fat
106 gm pro
159 mg chol
Good Morning -

Read your posts. You guys are doing great :) . Nothing yesterday, but I'm hoping to get in STS TB and a bodyweight circuit I pulled together (for cardio w/ strength component). I'm waiting to see if I have to go in today -- depends on a client.

I will be back later for personals.

Have a great morning -

Roselyn, sorry to hear that your son has been sick. Nice workout again :D

Debbie, I did a premix from Kickbox Surge that was a little over 30 minutes Monday. I like that workout. Generally I like the music tha Amy uses in her workouts.

Teddy, great job getting started and finishing that workout:D

Lori, I will be interested in seeing what you do with that workout:) I like mixing things up.
Ended up having to work -- only got in STS TB. Had a pretty good workout, but was very tired. I wanted to get in personals, even though it's pretty late.

Teddy - Good job diving into your workout twice as fast as usual. That's not easy to do. Also - oh yah! I do (now :eek: ) remember that you're hitting legs with an extra workout while doing STS. You're sure going strong -- :D :D

Debbie - I have the same experience with that one. It drags sometimes; sometimes I love it. Good stats there, too :)

Roselyn - I hope your son is feeling better. It gets stressful and kinda scary when they're that sick. Snow days are nice -- sorry you guys couldn't really enjoy it. Great workout, all the same.

Diane Sue - That looks like such a fun mix of cardio; a little of everything. I actually thought to copy it down to borrow sometime (too tired though - will probably forget :confused: ). We got our snow yesterday. It didn't amount to so much, but the roads got ugly. Hope you had a good day and didn't have to go out in it too much.

Theresa - That is really a fun workout. And I agree about the pacing -- not too tough, but the variety just makes it -- good :) Thanks for asking (how's it going) -- just not sure. I will ask myself next time we pass leaving/coming home :confused: One of those things. I'm ok though - new stuff is just so ... new (still have a diverse and unique way with words though, huh? :p ). I bet you understand that - sounds like you have all kinds of (great) stuff going on.

I really hope I didn't forget anyone -- an oversight due to tiredness, if I did.

Good night (or morning - bet that's when you'll read this).


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