Hard Core Fitness Maniacs for Sun May 1

So far no workout yet today, but I dont' get up nearly as early as the rest of you! I'm totally sore from the legs workout a couple days ago. Yesterday I went to yoga class and did not enjoy the warriors and lunges!

Does anyone do Tracey Staehle's workouts? I haven't been keeping up on her as much lately. I think she's been somewhat out of things due to having two babies (she did make a walking/treadmill vid and a pregnancy one, but neither of those are really up my alley).
Anyway, it seems she has a presale! Six bootcamp workouts. I need to re-register for her forum so I can read more on it. Has anyone else seen these?

And now to make some coffee.
okie dokie, so having a rather lazy Sunday, although I just finished STS disc 15. I couldn't do all the back stuff, though...my upper back is feeling tight and a bit sore from yesterday. Whatever the muscle in your upper mid back is called is pretty weak for me, I think. Anyway, after more or less doing disc 15, I did some yoga on my own...inversions, bird of paradise, bakasana (sp?), and some extended stretching.
No workout today. I am hoping to get in Supreme 90 Day Tabata in the am before I head out to leave my car at the body shop to fix the wheel and hopefully no extra damage. I had a short night. Helped my grandson with a school project till 12:30 am and talked to dh at 5:37 then could not go back to sleep. If I would have been more rested I would have got up and worked out and made tomorrow the rest day.

Roselyn, I liked both of the Keli Roberts workouts that I did for the rebounder. I really do like these workouts. Some more than others but I really have not disliked any. I was disappointed in the ones claiming yoga. I think I saw more yoga type moves in others. A couple it was just more of a space issue around the rebounder and having to modify. But all in all I think they are all good:D

Hermia, Tracey has made a lot of good workouts. I own most and will eventually get the new ones. I think her last pregnancey left her wanting more time away from making new dvds. If you like Kickbox she has some excellent Kickbox workouts but I do not recall you doing them. Not many new weight workouts. Not sure how you would feel about Yoga Solutions. I have a couple of shorter segments I use a lot. Have done all of the premixes and just standing etc. Never just put it in and tried to do the whole thing. It is not a calorie burning yoga. I would say more strength and stretch/flexibility. I would think the yoga today helped.

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