Today I did Pyramid Upper, have not done this in a long time, it was good to do something different, then I did Cathe's Bonus Butt Workout and then the bar section of Lower Body Blast. I am hoping my ears have deceived me but I think I just hear on our morning news more snow coming, enough already, Mother Nature is hormonal!!
Good Morning :D

This morning, I did Candace, I can feel my strength coming back YAY :rolleyes: Okay guys, so excited Meso 2, I know...I know...I keep saying it, but, I can't help it. These DVD's are un-touched never got this far into the program.

Roselyn - Nice work ;) I'm with you enough snow already:)
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Roselyn - That is a good way to put it (about Mother Nature). Our temp has varied by almost 70 degrees over the past few days :confused: Great workout this morning.

Teddy - YAY on feeling stronger and moving into Meso 2.

Debbie - I read (at least part of) your discussion with Theresa about your knee. For what it's worth, I've wondered if that might be the source of your problem for quite awhile. I wonder if you remember -- a few months ago when your adductor (magnus or gracilis [?] as they are closest to the groin and the gracilis actually crosses the knee joint) was bothering you, I wrote this (too) long post and including a link about strength imbalances and points of release. It was just what you guys were discussing and I actually kind of hope that is what's up -- especially with the health insurance fiasco you described so well (I'm experiencing something similar myself right now and know what you mean). The book Theresa mentioned sounds like a more in depth exploration of what was in that link. If I can't find it locally, I may call the bookstore I used to work at in Denver (Tattered Cover). If they don't have it, they will do a search and find/mail it. Strength imbalances are so common and don't even have to be very pronounced to cause problems, it seems -- tend to show up in specific, repetitive movement (treadmill, biking [?]) as something else kicks in to compensate. I'd re-post that link but it sounds like you and Theresa have it more than covered and the book is a great resource (thank you, Theresa). It would be so nice if you could find a solution without having to even deal with more Dr's and expenses. Keeping you in my best thoughts :)

Theresa - Laughed when you commented on my "1.5 of everything" workout. Made me think: I can be too descriptive and long winded (do tell :eek: ). Lately, feeling so short on time has made me much more "concise" -- to the point of obscurity. BTW - did my first TRX workout with DS the other night. So glad someone enabled my decision that I had to have one. Pretty amazing contraption :)

It's been difficult to find time to check in :confused: - Wednesday I did the rest of High Reps (upper body) and Budokon. Yesterday was a long one (day -- not workout) and I squeezed in Max Insanity Recovery. Today I will do Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning and a second workout (probably Cardio Core and Balance). I think I need to take a break from checking in, though. Just spread pretty thin and trying to streamline my use of time. I really am doing ok -- just working to get some better balance. Theresa or Diane Sue, could you let the Facebook group know that I'm doing fine and all but need to take some time off? Seems a shame to cut out talking to my friends and support (and source of inspiration), but maybe for now, the time I'm not on the computer (other than work) can be time I've added to ... actually working out. I hope after this next week it gets better.

Have a good day.

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Today I decided to do Karen Voight's Yoga Stretch from the Yoga Focus DVD. Man I love that stretch workout. It's only 25 minutes long but I feel so good right now. I can really see how tight I've become, each pose was very difficult to do. My upper body especially. I was shocked at how tight my shoulder and neck muscles are.

It's really hard doing a serious stretch workout when you have three cats circling you like vultures. Good lord! After about 10 minutes they finally got bored and went and played with toys. Yeesh... Little buggers.

Theresa - Yes, that helps a lot. The only thing about doing yoga before my workout is time. I allot 1 hr. a morning and usually my weight training lasts that long. However, next week I'll be doing super sets and I plan on doing a 20-30 minute yoga workout afterwards, time permitting. I may even take a half hour in the evening and do a short yoga workout during the week if I can't do it in the mornings. After today, I realize I really need to incorporate stretching and yoga into my rotations. I have not knee pain today. :D

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