Happy Veteran's Day!!! Want to see my Navy pics?


Since it's Veteran's Day, I thought I'd post a blast from my past (like 15 years ago past) and post my Navy pictures.

I was in the Navy from 1988-1992.

I'm on the very left. This was right toward the end of boot camp. My company commander is the woman holding the California Raisin. She was very cool! We liked her.

Me right after boot camp in Orlando, FL.

My boot camp picture. Yikes!
You were in the navy? You are so cool! Wow, you are a hero. Happy Veteran's Day to you! I bet you got to see alot of neat places. Do tell!

That's cool! Just to get through boot camp is a feat! What kind of physical tests did you have to go through? Push-ups and pull-ups and stuff?
Just Do It! :)
Dani!! That really IS SO cool!!! :) Happy Veterans Day to you! :) By the way, it doesn't look like you've aged a day since then...amazing! :)
DANI- What wonderful pictures! I am curious about the group picture though. Do you remember the name of the girl on the far right? The picture is sort of blury but the girl is about the same height and facial bone stucture as my sister who also served her bootcamp in Orlando,Fl in 1988 after she graduated hs.My sister served until 1992 also.
>DANI- What wonderful pictures! I am curious about the group
>picture though. Do you remember the name of the girl on the
>far right? The picture is sort of blury but the girl is about
>the same height and facial bone stucture as my sister who also
>served her bootcamp in Orlando,Fl in 1988 after she graduated
>hs.My sister served until 1992 also.

OMG! That could totally be her!! I can't remember her name. But I remember our company name was K-105! We were there from July - Sep 1988. That could TOTALLY be her!! You have to tell me what she says! ;) There weren't many of us girls there at that time. I think there were only 2 girl companies.

My name at the time was Danielle Magallanes. We all went by our last names. That's probably why I can't remember her name. No one could pronounce my last name so they all called me "Maggie".
Missy! I was stationed at Coronado, Ca after boot camp. It was great. I loved it there! Absolutely loved it! It was one of the best experiences of my life.


I wasn't stationed on a ship so didn't travel the world or anything. I was offered to be stationed in Belgium but I chose California instead. I was in the top 3 of my class, so I got to choose where I wanted to go.

My job was in payroll. I made sure all of the Navy Seals got paid.

Yes, honeybunch. Lots of push-ups, situps, running....we did it all.


My favorite week in bootcamp was when we had a mock Olympics type event. My event was in swimming, and I won first place! :)
Kathy! That's great! :)

I always smile when I see someone in a Navy uniform. It brings back really nice memories. I was in payroll.
Wow Dani, those are such cool photos! Ya know what... you're cuter now than you ever were.;-) Happy Veteran's Day!

DANI- I just got off the phone with my mom and she told me that Carrie(my sister)enlisted in the early summer of 1988 but did not ship out for bootcamp until early october 1988, so it couldn't be her. That would have been cool if it was!!
Wow Dani!! How cool is that!? You look rather fetching in uniform if I do say so myself. Well, Happy Veterans Day to you!

Hi Dani!

Happy Veteran's Day! I am a veteran also having served in the Army from 1984 to 1988 (seems like a lifetime ago).

I have to ask my sister if she knows you. She was in the Navy around the same time and I believe she was at the same base in California.

Thanks everyone! :)

Lisa, that is so cool. It does seem like a lifetime ago. :)
I hope you're doing well. It was great meeting you at the GTG last month. :)

Let me know what your sister says. :)

How neat!

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