HAPPY NEW YEAR Cheetahs! Jan 1 Tues


I'm at work, of course. Hope all the fabulous cheetahs get off to a great start of the new year. May you all run fast and injury free!

Good morning and Happy New Year again! Work hasn't been too bad tonight but still quite busy. I have one night off again at least tonight :)

SunnyD- You were feeling to lazy yesterday???? My goodness, that's one for the cheetah record books;-) Hope you have a great time with your new rotation.

Judy- After my night off I have one more to do and then this stretch will be over:7 and I have 6 off!! I worked all the holidays this year.. Thanksgiving Eve, Christmas Eve and now New Years. I don't normally do this but that's the way the cards fell this year....
whatdayagonnado? I am way impressed that you've already taken down your tree and decorations.... you are uberorganized!

Lorie- Glad to hear that you've let your hip get a nice long healing rest!!! So you've been initiated into the GS series??? How do you like those drop sets of pushups?}( Personally, I think the GS are the best of ALL of Cathe's weight/strength workouts. Have you tried GS legs yet?

Christine- Glad you were able to get reservations at a nice restaurant with your DH. Yes, it has seemed like I've been working 24/7 lately.... feels like it anyway! I'm getting pretty darned burned out to tell ya the truth! sorry for the bit of crabbiness there! What's your workout choice to start the new year with?

Carole- Great to hear you slept in yesterday, but I guess it gave you energy for that super yard work day! LOVE that entertaining new years beefcake pic!!

Cathy- can't see your ski trip pics while I'm at workx( but I'll check them out later today. Have a great recovery week!

Jackie- Sounds like you had a nice relaxing day with a 1/2 work day and easy fun workout! What's your new years day workout?

Kristi- Nice to hear from you and glad to know you've made it thru the holidays okay. Also glad to hear you are still planning on your half marathon!!:7 .

for today after my recovery from work nap I'll be going for a 5 mile run and then Lorie has inspired me to do GS CT.

[font face="heather" size=+2 color=orange][marquee]Happy New Year, everyone!!![/marquee][/font]

Christine :: How was the restaurant last night? Is the 12-week challenge BFL?...I did take a couple of lessons my first season...I was thinking of taking another. If I did, I would spring for a private one-on-one lesson.

Shelly :: Glad you'll be getting at least one night off...the 6 sounds even better! Enjoy your run and GS CT.

Today will be Eion Finn's Magically Hips (thanks, Christine! :)) for the first time. I look forward to trying it.
Good Morning and Happy New Year!:) :)

Shelly** Hope you enjoy your nap and run later today!:)

Im just dragging my a$$ around today. We are just getting up but I didn't have enough drinks last night to be hungover but I am definitly going to have to hit the sack earlier tonight and catch up on some lost zzz's.
I to am doing the 12 week challenge. I wanted to buy a note book and write all my info in it,goals and rotation but I never got around to doing it. Im sure if I look around the house I can find something! DD has all kinds of books around:)

Hope everyone as a good day and the best year ever!

Happy New Year Cheetah babes!!!

shelly- i was lazy on sunday (oh yea, it happens to me:D ). i did my TT workout and nadia's (BBC) cardio yesterday. ok, so next year you get to take all of the holidays and day before off. it's only fair. sounds like a goodie of a workout today!

cathy- enjoy your yoga day today. dh told me my face is looking like it's clearing up yesterday, wooohooo!!

christine- how was your dinner? good luck with the 12 week challenge. when does it start?

kristi- nice to see you back girl. glad you are still going forward with your HM.

carole- are you planning on a dr's. visit to get that hip checked out? i really hope it starts to feel better quickly.

lori- good luck with the 12 week challenge. so you and christine are in this together!

so tell me cheetahs what are your new year's resolutions?

mine is to slow down and take some time for myself;-), also would like to drop about 3% bf.

my workout today will be the aerobox workout i got awhile back and never used. it is a boxing workout which incorporates alot of jump roping. i will get to use my heavy bag i got as a christmas gift}(

have an awesome day everyone!!
Good morning cheetahs


Shelly...glad you liked the NY's pic...:D...I woke up at my normal 5AM this morning so I must have really needed the sleep yesterday. Enjoy your run and GS C&T.

Cathy...your comment last night re the hottie had me LMAO!!! I actually laughed out loud....thanks for the award smiley...:D...no, my nephew was off yesterday..I was going to say that I liked your new avatar pic, and the pics in the Cabs & Abs thread are great. Enjoy Eions workout today...

Lori..looks like a few of you cheetahs are doing the 12 week challenge. Hope you can catch up on your sleep tonight.

Sunny...I had just planned on seeing my nephew so he could use the ultrasound and rule out a stress fracture. I also have thought about going to a PT I know...but I would not go to any regular DR. Enjoy your aerobox workout and using your new Xmas present.

Christine...Hope your dinner last night was a good one. I was asleep at about 10:20...I do believe the Giants had a different agenda as they wanted to be the one team to defeat the Pat's. The Giants were already in the playoffs, so the game didn't matter much in that manner...if that makes sense?...:)

Well, I posted info about my thigh/hip problem on the Chi running site, and one of the instructors thinks it might be due to my form and the way I land, so she gave me some things to try, and to check out my form. Chi running can be so hard as there are so many things to learn in doing it right. I will be trying her tips today when I run. I will be doing Amy's Slo-mo sho, bi's and tri's before my run. Probably more yardwork too...:)

Have a great day...:)
Happy 2008 Cheetahs :)

Shelly- Only one more night and then 6 off! Does this keep you motivated for that career change?... I like The GS series most also. It is always a challenge. I still haven't done a rotation this month. Perhaps I will do the Shelly method of fitting in weights as tolerated w/ life events. :) And I think a rough Runners World running plan for running. But, all speed work will be with iTreads.... I did get a tetanus shot yesterday since my internist has no record of me getting one at all.

Cathy- My skiing ability was like yours and an extra lesson did help. Nice pictures! I like the Finn's Magically Hips the most of all the yogas DVD's I have tried.

Lori & Christine- Way to go on committing to a 12 week challenge! Are you doing the BFL eating plan and workouts or your writing your own plans?

Sunny- I do not have any hard core resolutions. I always clean up my eating post holiday and enjoy the post holiday decoration house look~~ less clutter... DH has decided (keeping fingers crossed) to loose 20 pounds.

Carole- nice New Years picture! Good job on getting all the yard work done! We never did get all our leaves up before the snow stuck to the ground in early December. Spring clean up will be nasty now.

Today may be a circuit day or a Body Max premix? Then it is relaxing and laundry and lentil soup. Lentil soup has been a long tradition of starting the year off with good luck in my family. Does anyone else do this? It is also late DMom's Brithday. She passed in 1988. Growing up on on New Years Day she always prepared a major dinner (including Lentil Soup) even though it was her Birthday. We switched it to Lentil Soup and Salad to start the New Year out light and clean.

Yesterday was iTread #14 60", and it felt good. I never did get in those abs though :eek:

Edit- Hi Carole :) That was resourceful to checkout the Chi Running site for advice. I agree there is so much to remember "Chi wise" let us know if the advice was helpful.

[font color=purple][font size +1]Judy "Likes2bfit"

***The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well.
William Osler

***Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan[/font]
Good morning and Happy New Year to all my wonderful Cheetah pals!!!!

Please excuse my absenteeism yesterday. My day started early and then I crashed hard on the couch around 6:30 watching some marathon on Food Network. Needless to say I did NOT make it to midnight...I haven't in the past 4 or 5 years lol!

I did have a wonderful day with SO, though. We went to see Sweeney...my second fave musical of all time. Without writing a full-on dissertation, here is my opinion...far too bloody!!!!!!!!! While I was actually impressed with Depp (who I wasn't initially sold on in the role) Burton completely missed (or chose not to use) all of the wonderful humor, albeit very dark humor, in that show. It stayed fairly true to the music, although the choral narrative that I think is one of the wonderful driving forces of the original show, was cut. Of course, there were other little ommissions and the show stopper "Have a Little Priest" was cut down by about 40%. The blood, though, was way over the top excessive...to the point of being ridiculous :eek:. I like dark (I'm a big Burton fan, actually) but this was obscenely dark. Okay, I'll stop boring you guys with my Siskel and Ebert ;-).

Because I pooped out early last night I didn't get a workout in. I was excited to do HSTA this morning though...so much fun! When I previewed it I thought it didn't look too tough but it turned out to be touger than it looked :eek:. I will be using this one a lot! I think I'm going to lay off the heavy weight work for now and go for more endurance based/circuit type workouts. I've put on a bit more mass, especially UB, than I'd like (I build muscle FAST!) and I want to lean out more so I hope that will do the trick. I'm also thinking about going to the gym for an easy 5 mile run around lunchtime but I'm not sure if I should after HSTA. Opinions???

Okay, so now my very rambly and one-sided post is done ;):+. Let me go catch up on personals. TTFN!
Shelly - Oh, I'm so glad you have a nice 6 night-off-stretch! So, what are you going to do with all that free time? Have a great workout after your nap!

Cathy - Welcome home!!! So nice to have you back...you were missed :+. OMG, what a beautiful pic of Mary Jane, and you! So sorry that bug did get you, even if it was only for a day :-(...not a nice way to spend vacay! BTW, I love your new avatar...I wish I were that photogenic. Heehee, that's why I have a pic of my cat and not me lol! No ski DOMS :eek:?!?! Impressive! Enjoy your yoga.

Lori - Glad to hear no hangover but I bet you will be catching up on those lost zzzzzs. Good luck on the 12 week challenge!

Sunny - Sounds like you've got a great workout on tap for today. Have fun with your new bag! Nice resolution...you know we're going to hold you to the "slow down and take time for yourself part"!

Carole - Nice hottie!!!! I have to second Cathy's award of best post of the month. I'm glad you were able to get some advice on the Chi board but please do get that hip looked at, even if it's only for peace of mind. Great job on the yardwork! Enjoy your workout today.

Judy - What a nice tradition to have lentil soup in honor of your mother. Get this...NO DOMS after my mish mosh and I even followed that up with L&G later that evening, after riding a bunch at work. What's up with that??? Didn't you know that pine cones are a kitty favorite? I know they are in my house lol! Enjoy your workout today!

Lorie - You made me tear up with your sentiments about joining the Cheetahs this year! I completely agree!!!! I'm glad you had a nice bunch of days just enjoying life. So glad to hear that your hip/piriformis is starting to feel better. WTG on GS yesterday!!! So, how's the DOMS today }(?

Christine - LOL at DH watching the game again! How was dinner last night? Nice workout yesterday!!!

Thomasina - Had to LOL about your comment regarding step ADD!!! I used to be a dancer so, for me, it feels like being back in dance class or at an audition. I love the mental challenge! Have fun with the ski gear and the Blackberry. I need to sit down with my mp3 and figure that one out, too.

Jackie - WTG TN!!! Nice workout yesterday!

Kristi - Nice to hear you had a good run with Sean! I've got to get my mp3 going so I can try the Candace version }(. When is your HM? I'm shooting for one at the end of March.

I think I've caught up for now. I've got some shoveling to do (only about 4") and then I might head for the gym after that...we'll see. Happy New Year to the bestest bunch of ladies around!!!!

happy new year to my wonderful cheetah friends!!!

shelly-yes, i think giving the hip the rest (as well as stretching)it needed has made it better. OMG!!! the drop set was awesome! jari has something like that. she calls it a "pushup party" and you end up doing 70. i always start out on my toes but by the end, i am on my knees!!! glad i inspired you to do GS today. i think it is going to be a staple for me.

cathy-have a great day today and enjoy your magic hips! ;-)

lori-that's great that you are doing the 12 week challenge!!!

sunny-i don't like to make resolutions so i am not making any this year. basically, i want to make 2008 a great year and do whatever it takes to make it so.

carole-wow...you sound like you have quite a busy day planned! i got the chi running book and have been reading it little by little. i like it so far.

judy-yummmm...i LOVE lentil soup! that sounds great. i know in the south, there is a tradition of eating black-eyed peas and collard greens but i really don't like either.

wendi-i think we joined around the same time. i am just so grateful and happy to be a part of this group!!! sorry sweeney wasn't what you expected. i love, love HSTA! i do think that's enough of a workout and maybe do the 5 mile run another day.

i am toying with taking a rest day today. not because i need it, but because x's football game starts at 11 and my last gator game until august (*sniff sniff*) starts at 1. then, there are so many good college games on. so, i am thinking that spending quality time with x and watching football is what i will be doing. i also think one more day off my hip wouldn't hurt. maybe some stretching later.

i hope you all are enjoying whatever it is you are doing. much love...
Good Morning and HAPPY NEW YEARS to my favorite group of ladies!!

I hope this year is the best yet for all of my Cheetah pals. And with Shelly – I wish you fast and injury free running!

I’m all revved up and ready to go! I joined weight watchers this morning and realized that even with the rib roast I’m making, I will be within my points (and activity points, but that’s the right amount of calories for me actually). So, I’m psyched! For a workout I’m doing Hi Lo Extreme (got it yesterday!), APX Legs and some sort of abs.

Shelly – Glad you have tonight off! You’re never crabby my dear! You’re just tired and frustrated – which, with you schedule lately, I totally understand! I can imagine you’re burned out! Enjoy your run and GS CT!

Cathy – the restaurant was incredible! It was all buffet style, so I got to taste things I have not before. All very high quality Indian food. YUM! The 12 week challenge is not limited to BFL. Some people are doing WW, others are just eating more cleanly, etc. You should join us! :p LOVE your photos! Enjoy Eoin! I have a date with him tomorrow!

Lori – I’m trying to figure out the best way to track everything. But, I’m leaning towards just logging everything on line and using my iPhone to take notes when I’m away from the computer. I want to keep track of moods – triggers, etc. Enjoy!

Sunny – Dinner was fabulous! Thanks for the luck on the 12 week challenge. I’m starting today. My resolution is to finally drop the weight I’ve been wanting to drop. I’m tired of complaining and moaning about it, but not doing anything. I have very specific things I get when I meet certain weight goals. I’m excited. Enjoy your Aerobox workout! I love heavy bag work!

Carole – We got back at around 9:45, then proceeded to snooze on the sofa, only to wake up in time for Dick Clark to count down the final seconds of 2007. Then we went to bed. I know what you mean about the Giants – especially on such a celebrated, nationally televised game they HAD to Bring It (as Tony would say). They did give the Pats a great game. I think you might have something with the Chi Running. It is so tough to keep all the instructions straight. I’m glad you checked there. Enjoy your run!

Judy – Lentil soup is a new one! That’s great and a nice healthy way to start the New Year. Where I grew up we had to have Pork and Sauerkraut for New Year’s day – I did NOT bring that tradition with me to California. We usually just have a rib roast. I’m doing my own workouts. More endurance based. That works best for me. And I’m doing WW and not BFL.

Wendi – My DD15 enjoyed Sweeny – and said the blood was obviously tomato juice. I LOVE HSTA. It’s such a great leg workout and the upper body is good too. I think it’s one of Cathe’s best circuits. If you have the energy for a run, why not?

Lorie – Enjoy the games today! You’re as bad as my DH when the pro season ends – too funny. I’ll say a prayer of mourning for you today after the last game.

Enjoy 2008 everyone!!! I’m so glad I know you ladies!

Kristi - Glad you're able to get in some workouts during the mayhem. I love my scarf and gloves. They're really warm.

Lorie - Glad you like the GS. They're some of my favorites. Yay for the Bosu!! Nice not to gain any extra pounds over the holiday. Now you can focus on getting healthy and stronger.

Carole - Glad you and DH got some cleaning done. Love the pic. I checked it out from all angles. :7 Hope the Chi running tips helps. I love my new 42" tv and 5 disc DVD player. Makes me feel like I'm in 3D heaven. Good luck with your run.

Cathy - Love your pic! You are a beauty! Love the pictures of the trip too. Made me wish I were there and I can't ski. Heck, I can't roller skate. But, I can do a mean elliptical. LOL!! Interested in how you like Magical Hips.

Christine - Hope you enjoyed the Indian restaurant. My eyes didn't last past 10 either. Good luck with WW. Didn't realize Dick Clark was still doing the countdown. Thought someone else had that gig.

Shelly - Glad work wasn't so bad. Enjoy your one night off. Know you're looking forward to the 6 days off. Lot of PO closed early yesterday. Didn't see any sense in me staying around when everyone else was gone home. Felt strange working on New Year's Eve. Haven't done that in a long time. Have a good nap and run afterwards.

Lori - Hope you find some energy today. Good luck with the 12 week challenge. Enjoy the game today. Hope the hip feels better.

Sunny - Oooh! You got a boxing bag for Christmas?? How nice! That will be my next gadget purchase once my new workout room is complete or for Christmas. Enjoy that workout.

Judy - Enjoy your workout! No traditional meals here. Just throw together whatever I can find. Thought about doing some blackeye peas. But, since I forgot to pick them up and I don't feel like running out to get any, that won't happen.

Wendi - Thanks for the review of Sweeney Todd. Glad you enjoyed HSTA. More shoveling, huh?

This morning's workout was iTread #9 60 minutes. I got in 6.6 miles. I really pushed this morning and hung out with the runners for awhile and then dropped down between the joggers and runners pace. Legs are feeling good these days. Finished up with Rodney Yee's yoga for abs.

May you all have the best day of the new year.

Hey again :)

Jackie - nice going on your TM run iTread today.

Wendi- Dh shoveled this morning, but it was only a few inches. But we have a winter storm warning until tomorrow evening! DD16 flies in from Denver today. I hope she doesn't get delayed. She is flying with a girlfreind and this s their first solo trip.

Christine- Good luck on WW, it can really be a good weight loss program.

I did Cardio & Weights with the BOSU. Onl a few of the moves needed modifying, and it gave the work out a fresh new challenge for me. I also went very heavy on upper body weights, and attempted the abs on the BOSU too. This is a good way to use the BOSU IMO

I put together a Smart Coach RW running plan for the next 12 weeks. it is training for a 10K, but I have no plans to run a 10k.

Lorie- have a great FB/ REST with BF day! We have FB on all day here too , but we have to switch back and forth for the Buffalo-Pittsburgh inaugural outdoor NHL game! I'm primarily there (in the great room) to enjoy the fire in the fire place!

PS- The Lentils on New Years Day for good luck are an Italian tradition. However, my husband's Cuban relatives (in Miami) and my SIL's German relatives (in Ohio), have the same tradition!

[font color=purple][font size +1]Judy "Likes2bfit"

***The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well.
William Osler

***Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan[/font]
Hi ladies,

quickly popping back in before i head off to mom's for dinner:9

christine- i know you are going to do well with your challenge. i thought about joining with my own challenge (dropping some BF%) but really don't have the time to post with another check-in. besides i like it here:7

jackie- oh i just loved the heavy bag work..really got the heartate up once i got the punches down. i highly recommend getting one. also great for the core! which model of dvd player did you get? nice btw!!

lorie- sounds like you had an awesome day with BF. good for you! i don't really make resolutions also, just goals i would like to complete during this year.

carole- i hope you hear good news once you visit your nephew. good luck with your run today!

judy- traditions are nice. i just found out here in the south ( i am from nj and now live in nc) the new years tradition is to eat something called hog jawls..BLECHHH. ever heard of it?

wendi- about me taking slow..ha, we shall see. i hope i can stick to it but something tells me i am not much of the sit down/still type of person (at least according to dh), lol. enjoy the snow!!

after doing the boxing workout (which i really enjoyed) i tacked on 4DS BC because i wanted an extra sweat}( since i am heading over to have dinner with my family. i didn't sweat much (til the end) with the boxing workout because i really wanted to work on getting the punches correctly. now that i am a hot, sweaty mess i am about to go take a shower and head over to mom's for dinner and games!!

Happy New Year ladies!!!!
I am back and ready to check in with my cheetah pals! I had a nice visit with my dad and relatives. It was not as hard as I thought it would going home after the death of my mom. I could feel her precence the whole time I was there. It was very comforting to be home with all of her wonderful pets that she loved and to remember her being in the kitchen and laughing and getting so excited about us all opening the presents she worked so hard to get. My dad was in good spirits and he has been so active and involved with his book club and rotary. He is a very strong person and I respect him SO much.

You guys are going to think we are crazy when you hear this, but we adopted a stray cat in Illinois and flew her back here. Her name is Chrissy short for Christmas and she was on my dad's doorstep when we arrived. Her tail was almost frozen and she was the friendliest little critter we had ever met. She is declawed and fixed and so we knew she had a home before. We called all the shelters and put an ad on the local radio station hoping that her owner would turn up, but nobody called. She is all black and has greenish yellow eyes. I wil post a pic tomorrow for you all to see. We just adore her and I find her to be very healing because of how my mom loved pets and would do anything to save one. I know she is so tickled right now:)

I did lots of yoga and 2 5 mile runs. It felt good to give my body a break. I think this year I am going to focus on emotional strength and balance and I really need to find a good balance with my workouts and not to be so dang obsessed all the time;-)

Well ladies, I am off to the park for a picnic and reading with the kids. Have a great day and I will be back tomorrow with catch up personals.

Judy..did some more raking today and felt better about getting those leaves gone! You know, my hip did feel better after changing the form a bit, but it was a whole lot slower...Lentil soup sounds like a nice way to start off the new year.

Wendi...since you rested yesterday I would think an easy run is doable after HSTA. I will get my hip looked at regardless.

Lorie..I think Chi will help with preventing injuries, but it does take some time to get it down.

Christine...I also don't think the Wildcard playoffs will be much fun to watch but who knows! The run went well but way slow....How did you do with Hi/Lo X? Good job being within your points for your dinner.

Jackie...yes, the NY boy was very nice looking, at all angles! I am so jealous of your 42 inch TV. Good job with the iTread and yoga.

Sunny..enjoy your Mom's for dinner and the games after a great workout.

Susan..Welcome home, we missed you. I am glad the visit was not real hard. I think memories of your Mom would be way cool. How sweet you adopted a stray cat....I did too a few months ago. Enjoy the park with the girls.

The Slo-mo workout was fun, love Amy's different moves. The run went well as I focused on the Chi technique, it was just way slow, but hardly any hip pain! Then I did some more raking....
Hiya Cheetahs!

Well, today certainly flew by...where did it go? By the time I got done shoveling I was wooped...that was some heavy, wet snow this morning! By the time I got showered and ate lunch, SO had come over and we decided to go to the bowling alley to throw a bunch of practice games...we both need some good practice sessions these days! After bowling I was feeling energized so I figured I would head to the gym for that run. The only problem...I didn't know they closed early today for the holiday ;( x(. So, where did I go? I finally gave in, went to LNT and got a BOSU!!!! With a coupon I had, plus two gift cards I was given, the darned thing cost me about $4!!! Oh, I can't wait to break that bad boy in!

Lorie - Yeah, doing the run tomorrow probably is the better idea anyway. I hope you enjoyed all of your football!!

Christine - Ooooh, dinner sounded YUMMY! LOL about the tomato juice...it was *very* fake. Glad to hear you will still be able to enjoy your rib roast. Best of luck to you on your 12 week challenge! Nice workout!

Jackie - Glad you had a great run today! I'm jealous of your new TV :D!

Judy - I think your idea of doing C&W on the BOSU is what finally pushed me over the edge...it's all your fault }( ;-)!! Did your DD16 get in safe and sound?

Sunny - Have fun at your mom's! Nice workout today! I love tacking 4DS BC onto the end of other workouts when I feel like I just haven't gotten quite sweaty enough }(.

Susan - Welcome home!!! Oh, how sweet about Chrissy...bless your heart! She is so lucky to have found you and your family. It sounds like you had a wonderful time out there. I hope you had a nice picnic.

Carole - I guess someone thought I shouldn't go for that run after all...*shrugs*. So good to hear that your run was pain free! Who cares if it was a bit on the slower side? How is your little stray doing these days, BTW?

Well, that's it for this Cheetah tonight. I'm absolutely tuckered. Have a wonderful, restful ;-), night everyone!
Wendi- Oh your gonna love the BOSU!

DD16's flight got cancelled! She in now on a flight to Buffalo and I'm gettin' in the car to Shuffle off to Buffalo get her and come back.

[font color=purple][font size +1]Judy "Likes2bfit"

***The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well.
William Osler

***Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan[/font]

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