Happy Birthday KathyS!

Kathy! Have a super-duper day. Go buy yourself something special with your son's credit card ;-) (You'll never live that down).

Kathy! Hope you have a great day and I also cannot wait to meet you next month...:)

Oh my! Deb, can't believe you did this, but thanks so much, my buddy!! :)

Thanks to all of you cutie pie Catheites!! I am celebrating my 11th year of Forum membership this month, and I have to tell you all that it is amazing how much this community has brought into my life. I can't imagine a day without popping in to read and lurk, even if I don't post all that often -- I almost always end up using up all my "available" (self-allocated so I don't spend all day here!) online time READING posts from all of you fascinating folks! :)

I can't wait to reconnect and connect for the first time with 105 of you on the Road Trip!!

Hugs to everybody!!!

http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. (feeling very old but spry today! :)) http://planetsmilies.net/sport-smiley-5536.gif

How'd you know I was going shopping today courtesy of my sweet son??? ;-)

I so wish you were going to be on the RT, Shel -- I'll miss seeing you again. You KNOW we'll be thinking of you and your famous pikes!

And listen, next year, puh-leez do NOT remind me about Alex's UNC card, okay? ;-) I harbor some small hope, however slim it may be, that someday I'll do something much more worthy of being remembered than this pitiful story!!!!!

http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://planetsmilies.net/sport-smiley-5536.gif
Kathy, Happy Birthday and many more.


The idea is to die young as late as possible



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