>52?!!!....you look more like 25! I wanna know your secret!
>Hope your day is fabulous! :) :) :)

Andrea, it is now. Thanks!! :D :D
Carola, you can make my birthday a happy one. Please just WIN the Scrabulous game already and put me out of my losing misery! ;)
Or, better idea: take a hint from Teresa and let me win. }(
>Happy B'day my fellow fashionista!
>Now go to Barney's & treat yourself. }( Start out your year

Laura, GMTA }( }(
You are all too kind. Thank you soooooo much everyone. I was a bit depressed today about growing old and all that, but you sure did brighten my day. (AND my DH got me a card that sings the That Girl TV show theme song! What could be better? :D )
Happy Birthday Nancy! They make a card with the That Girl theme song? Unfortunately, I remember it from first runs, not TV-Land re-runs ;-)
Hopefully, you had a Big Salad to cleanse the gastronomic evils of your weekend celebration!

>Happy Birthday Nancy! They make a card with the That Girl
>theme song? Unfortunately, I remember it from first runs, not
>TV-Land re-runs ;-)
>Hopefully, you had a Big Salad to cleanse the gastronomic
>evils of your weekend celebration!

Sarah, yes they do and yes I did. Big yummy salad was my meal of choice! I remember That Girl from when it was originally aired too. Was it your favorite too? I wanted to be Ann Marie when I grew up. That is, until I "met" Mary Richards....
Nancy, yes I loved That Girl. Ann Marie had such fabulous, Mod clothes. I dreamed of getting my own pair of go-go boots. And her dippity-do flip, gotta love that! Ann and Mary had great style and such cute apartments.

Omigawd, Sarah, the memories are coming back now. I used to polish my go-go boots with white shoe polish every week and went through jars and jars of that icky pink Dippity Do!! :7 Too funny!!

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