Oh gosh, folks, I'm blushing, I'm blushing . . .
I spent my 46th birthday today scanning documents; the miracle is that I actually know how to use the scanner.
Hmmmmmmm. . . . A mish-mosh, I hear you cry? . . .
Stop me if you've heard this one already; I call it The Gauntlet Merry-Go-Round Cardio Mish-Mosh:
You'll need The Terminator DVD with Gauntlet, and the Cardio Fusion DVD with all 6 blasts from Drill Max. Load these in, and then do the following:
Gauntlet warm-up, first I-Max 2 cycle, then chapter-NEXTing to the Boot Camp cardio cycle; THEN disc skip to the first cardio blast of Drill Max.
THEN, disc-skip back to the Gauntlet disc and do the second I-Max 2 cycle and chapter-NEXT forward to the second Boot Camp cardio cycle; THEN disc-skip and do the second cardio blast of Drill Max.
Continue in this fashion until you have completed all of the Gauntlet cardio cycles and the Drill Max cardio cycles. Your heart will be thanking you.
As do I.