i know these can be done with a machine but do you have any excersises that give you the same result? thanks! gabrielle
p.s.- circuit max on cathe tv last night was awsome- especially the music!!
While there are home exercises out there to target the hamstrings effectively(quarter dead lifts, leg curls with tubing or an ankle weight, leg lifts on all fours, supine heel press with one foot on step and other leg in the air(PS LEGS)etc.)I must honestly say that I don't believe any exercise isolates and targets the hamstrings quite as effectively as the hamstring curl machine does. This is just my opinion of course. BTW, as far as cardio is concerned, I have found running and kickboxing to work wonders for the hamstrings
Cathe mentioned using tubing for hamstring curls, and I'm so glad she did!! I use products such as the Ultratoner by Spri Products for hamstring curls and what the call a leg press, and I find it REALLy effective for leg work!! They don't take up space, and you can throw them in a suitcase, too.
Honeybunch, where do you find Spri products? I haven't been very successful, either locally or on the Web. Do they go by another name now, or are they just not where I am looking? Thanks! 1-800-222-7774. I have the Xertube, Ultratoner, Xering, Step Xertube, Xercuff, and the door attachment. Then I got their big paperback book with the exercise illustrated. I can't say enough about how much I like their products!!!