hammer punch lunges

workout junkie

Anyone not like these? I love the new High Step Challenge workout, but I dread the hammer punch lunges. Maybe because my form starts to suffer after I start to get worn out. Sometimes I do them, but lately I've been subbing lunges.

Is there something special about these that should encourage me to keep doing them as opposed to regular lunges or explosive lunges?

Keep working it!! The more you do, the better you get. What I've noticed is that it really helps increase my endurance. It's almost like an interval and after getting my butt kicked by this move in Kick, Punch and Crunch for the last couple of months, I've noticed marked improvements in my cardio endurance. When I do them in HSC, my heartrate goes up and then comes back down like in Imax2. Funny thing, I couldn't get through Imax2 until I'd mastered KPC! I think they are valuable, so keep at it.

On the other hand, if you do lose your form, go to your modification so you don't risk injury. But the more you do them, the better you'll get and you'll soon be able to do them all with good form. It's been my personal experience that the moves I hate the most seem to be the ones I really need. Urg!!:eek: For me, that's explosive lunges. But I'm getting better!! I did all the power scissors in CTX Kickbox yesterday for the first time without stopping. I was seriously dreading that!
I think the hammer punch lunges work a bit more into the glute, at least that's what it feels like to me! If your form starts to suffer, just slow them down, doing 1 to each 2 that Cathe does. Or you could substitute a less dynamic lunge/reach that will work your stabiliziing muscles and balance: lunge forward, reaching toward the forward foot with the opposite hand, and lifting the back foot off the ground.
I also feel it in my lats. The arm movement requires a big range of motion, and I always feel my lats working (a little bit of the shoulders, too) to do the arm motion correctly. I find that if I lunge softly and pull away from my heel, I'll feel it more in my glute and hamstrings, like in a regular lunge.

It took me a while to get the hang of these and I'm still not sure how I feel about them. I have finally got the form down but I still feel clumsy when I do them.


"Don't forget to breathe!"
I like them! It's something different for me and it gets my heart rate up, which is needed in this workout.
I HATE them!
I force myself to do them because I trust Cathe has them in the workout for a reason, but I despise them. They kick my butt.
i don't like them... but i do them... cuz they sure do feel like they are working!!!!!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I will take your advice and keep at 'em, making modifications as necessary. Still dread them though x( !

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