Half Marathon Anyone?


I have done NY Marathon(awesome!), Miami half and a few other halves. I am thinking of doing a half this winter. I am leaning towards Miami. I live in FL and the weather is good in January. Nice course too.

Course must be walker friendly. I hate to run.
Any suggestions?
I am doing one in September as part of my marathon training. I did the same one last year and had a wonderful experience. My husband suggested I do a 1/2 down in Florida in December...obviously not the Ing Miami Marathon but some other a few weeks before Christmas. We are considering building a vacation around the event.

I am sure the Miami 1/2 will be a wonderful time! Go for it! Have fun training!
I am doing one in September as part of my marathon training. I did the same one last year and had a wonderful experience. My husband suggested I do a 1/2 down in Florida in December...obviously not the Ing Miami Marathon but some other a few weeks before Christmas. We are considering building a vacation around the event.

I am sure the Miami 1/2 will be a wonderful time! Go for it! Have fun training!
I've done a number of marathons but am starting to bond with the 1/2's--so here's my 2 cents.
I live in Palm Beach but really enjoy the Naples 1/2 marathon--it's around the Super Bowl weekend in January. It starts down 5th avenue and winds around some neighborhoods and it's fast--there are a lot of elite runners from different countries that are fun to see out on the course. It's very well run, and you get a cool medal.
You can go to Naples Daily News or call Naples on the Run--the running store that organizes the event.

Hope this helps!!:)

I just re-read your message--the course time limit is 2 hours and 45 minutes--you can take longer but they start opening the streets back up to traffic, but there are LOTS of walkers!!
I've done a number of marathons but am starting to bond with the 1/2's--so here's my 2 cents.
I live in Palm Beach but really enjoy the Naples 1/2 marathon--it's around the Super Bowl weekend in January. It starts down 5th avenue and winds around some neighborhoods and it's fast--there are a lot of elite runners from different countries that are fun to see out on the course. It's very well run, and you get a cool medal.
You can go to Naples Daily News or call Naples on the Run--the running store that organizes the event.

Hope this helps!!:)

I just re-read your message--the course time limit is 2 hours and 45 minutes--you can take longer but they start opening the streets back up to traffic, but there are LOTS of walkers!!
Come check out the Cheetah/Runner Check in! There are a bunch of us who run full, halfs, 5k's and about anything inbetween, including Super Carole who will be running a 50k this weekend. We have tons of support and it's a great group - even though we call ourselves Cheetah's, we're not "catty" at all. We'd love to have you join us!
Come check out the Cheetah/Runner Check in! There are a bunch of us who run full, halfs, 5k's and about anything inbetween, including Super Carole who will be running a 50k this weekend. We have tons of support and it's a great group - even though we call ourselves Cheetah's, we're not "catty" at all. We'd love to have you join us!

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