Hair stressed!!


I went yesterday to get my hair highlighted to do something nice for myself. I haven't been taking care of myself as much as I should, that's why I am exercising too.

Well, I look like marylin monroe. I am so depressed about it. I thought that I would have at least some of my natural haircolor, but my hair is 90% Bleached blonde. I am at work this morning just waiting to be teased. I work with all men, they are going to get a big kick out of it. I have to go in today to get it fixed, I hope they don't damage my hair.

I did learn something out of the situation. I am an emotional eater. I ate 3 pieces of pizza and some buffalo wings last night. Which is ironic, because emotional eaters eat to make yourself feel better and all you do is feel guilty about overindulging. Ahhhh! I will break that cycle.

Anyone that had a bad hair experience? It might help me to know I am not the only one that has a hairdresser from heck(okay I try not to swear).

I don't have a hairdresser horror story, but one time I used a Loving Care red that made me look like something out of "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas!" That was a long time ago. I just got some blonde stuff to cover it up. I don't remember if I overdosed on pizza after that. I was not hooked on peeps at that time;-)
Hi Nikki!!

I feel so bad that you went and did something nice for yourself and it backfired on you!!
I had two really bad experiences with perms, but they were a long time ago. Both times I ended up looking like an overfrizzed poodle - it was awful. Once was in junior high and I wouldn't go to school until it was fixed. The second time was the first Christmas after I was married and we were spending it with my in-laws who I already felt very self-conscious around. I was absolutely horrified and in all the pictures from that Christmas I have red, puffy eyes from all of the crying I did. Since then, my hair has turned naturally wavy/curly so no more perms!!
Anyway, I'm sure that they will be able to improve the color for you!! Take care!
Poor Thing!

I think we've ALL been there Niki! I guess our hair IS our crowning glory! If our hair's not right, we just don't feel pretty! Good Luck today. I know that they can do what is called "Down-Lighting" instead of Hi-Lighting" to correct overly Hi-Lighted hair. It is putting your natural color back into areas. Report back and let us know how it goes. We feel for you! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
I haven't had a good haircut in what seems like years. I just finally got it all chopped off. I did try coloring it once and ended up with fire engine red spots! If I was a guy I'd definitely have a buzz cut :)
Hello Nikki! I just wanted to let you know that I, like you, decided to "do something nice for myself" about 6 months ago and it also backfired. I went to a salon, something I hadn't done in at least 10 years (I have long straight hair and always cut it myself), to get a large curl perm. I brought pictures of the curl I wanted, told them 3 times that I had baby fine hair and not to leave the solution on for over 10 minutes (not to mention I'm sure they noticed how nervous I was), and that my hair curled very easily. They told me that perms have changed so much over the years that I had nothing to worry about. Well, they charged me $90 to fry half of the hair on my head (on the right side) and have an ok curl on the left, but totally tighter and kinkier than the pictures! Basically I looked like I had an afro. Now 6 months later, it has loosened up a bit, but not very much and everytime I look in the mirror I want to cry. Another bad experience from a salon was right after graduation a few years ago, I paid $70 for them to change my highlighted blond hair to a chocolaty brown and it washed out the next time I washed my hair! Both times I never complained, because I didn't want to be mean (something which comes very easily to me somehow), but one thing is for sure - I will never go to another salon as long as I live and as soon as this perm grows out, my hair will remain naturally straight until the day I die!! Just thought I'd let you know you aren't alone. One good thing did come out of it though, I have been working extra hard on my body to make up for the not-so-lovely hair!! : )
Well I 'm back from the salon. It looks better but it is still awful! I have to cut it short now so I can grow out my natural color. I kind of look like a calico cat.

Well, I'm with you Lorie I won't be going to a salon again. I'm going to stick with what the good lord gave me.
I am sorry to hear about your hair horrer story. I hear about these stories all the time, because I am a hairstylist.
There are some things you can do to prevent another disaster. It is a good idea to get a personal referral. Find someone with good looking hair cut and color (sometimes you may not realize good haircolor work isn't natural) ask who they go to. This is how I have built my business. It is also very important to have open communication with your stylist. A good stylist will have a complete consultation with you before the service is started.
I find pictures helpful, as long as there are no unrealistic expectations. I have also had clients bring in past photos of themselves with a hairstyle they really like.
If the damage is already done I feel the stylist is obligated to fix your hair without another service charge. Most reputable salons will be happy to do this for you, but not many will actually refund money.
It is a good idea to call in advance for your appointment. Most competant stylist are hard to get an appt. with on short notice.
I hope you have many good hair days in your future!
So Sorry!


I really have empathy but I am getting a good chuckle with all this.

I am a natural light blonde. 1 year ago I went and had my hair dyed a deep red burgundy. It looked great. Had to pencil in my eye brows to match. Had it this way for one year.

It was time for a change. I went in last month to have it colored back to the original color. Needless to say it was and still is a disaster!

After 4 hours of processing my hair felt like slime! My hair dresser said the only hope was to cut "some" off. After 4 hours I was fatigued and wanted out so I said "O.K. trim it". Ended up with it so short when I run my finger thru it, the tips of my hair do not poke thru my fingers. It is shorter then my husbands!!! Also it is white blonde!!! Ahhhhhhhhh.
I want to go hide for the next 6 months. Did'nt realize how cold ones ears can get!

I have been in your situation. Find a colorist. This is a person who does nothing but color hair. Hopefully this person will know how to correct the problem and will be able to give you some options. Nothing is worse than watching a highlighting which you hate grow out. Perhaps they can add low lights as somebody suggested. Maybe a shampoo which adds color or a temporary hair color which does not have peroxide will help. Maybe dying it back would do the trick. Have it done professionally. I once tried to fix a bad highlighting job and I only made it worse. I ended up having to go to a professional for corrective hair that point of desperation I felt it was worth every cent. Recently I have been adding red highlights instead of blond and have been very please with them. I have found them to be more natural as they grow out and they have done the job of hiding the grey.

Good Luck,

Thank you for replying to my post.

I have to say yesterday all I wanted to do is cry.
Today I can't stop laughing. Lessons are hard to learn.

Well I have another update. Since the lady TRIED to put some of my natural color back in and all it made it do is make me look like a calico cat. It was damaged and frizzy. I cut it off myself. It is looking waaaaaayyyyy better than yesterday. I can actually say it kinda looks cute, the cut not the color.

Thanks again for making me smile with your responses.
Sooo glad!

I'm so glad you are feeling better. I bet it does look cute now! Keep in mind that after every washing the color WILL tone down some, so it may end up just right with your cute new cut! Glad you can smile again!:-jumpy Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)


So glad to hear your laughing!!!
A merry and cheerful heart sure can make life easier.
Each and every post made me laugh!


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