Hair dressers/Stylists HELP!!!


My 19yr. old daughter and her boyfriend were bored last night and decided to do each other in make-up and hairstyle. Well, my daughter has long hair. The boyfriend had a great time putting her hair in "Liberty Spikes" using Murray's Hair Dressing Pomade, Ingredients:petrolatum, mineral oil and fragrance.

So the girl panics! Enters shower with an entire bottle of shampoo and conditioner. NOTHING! More Panic. Grab the Olive oil! In goes the olive oil....Holy Crap!! It is getting worse! Now we grab the dish soap...a little bit better, but still VERY greasy.

I know, I know....and we aren't even blond.

What do we try next?! Help us please!!!!!

I know I am late and hope you were able to get the grease out.

When I was a teen, I decided to give myself an oil treatment with baby oil and I used a lot. I then went in the shower, washed it out and it was still greasy.. I went in the shower about 3 -4 times - nothing happened. I then took hair spray and sprayed my hair with lots of it then went in the shower again to wash my hair and it worked. The greasiness was gone.

You can try that to see if that will work.
Try Prell for dishes..I use this when my hair comes out too dark in strips out anything!

Hairstylist here! Dish soap and Prell are very strong and will get the gunk out eventually....It may take up to a week. You really don't want to put anything harsher than that in the hair. In the meantime, she may want to just pull it back into a ponytail or bun. When its finally out, you should have her do some conditioning treatments, because the hair will be very dry after all the shampoo stripping. When my daughter was two, she put a whole jar of vaseline in her hair. It took over a week to get it all out!! I even called poison control for tips on what I could safely use to get it out. They said pretty much what I advised you to do... Good luck, and tell her never to use any product that has petroleum jelly in it!!!!
Just to make you feel better: my first year in college, I decided to give myself a natural hair conditioning treatment. I'd read that molasses worked well for that. I had no molasses on hand, but did have a bottle of liquid soy lecithin (used as a binder in cooking, and I can't even remember what I was using it for, as I'd just gotten into the whole 'health food' thing).

Well, liquid lecithin does NOT work the same way as molasses. I washed my hair at least twice with shampoo, and it was still greasy. Then I tried dishwashing soap. I think it took two washes, but it got it out (though I think my hair was far from 'conditioned' after that!)
At the risk of sharing too much info, in college, my boyfriend and I decided to "have some fun" on a plastic tarp covered in baby oil.
Same results as the others here. It took about a week to wash it out.

In the meantime, baby powder did some of the work for me to absorb excess oil.
Wish I'd known about dish soap at the time!

That was a really long week! :)
Distilled vinegar. Mix a Tablespoon into 1 cup of warm water. Work that into the hair. That works great to strip buildup off the hair. You may have to apply it 2-3 times before it works, but it's not as harsh as dish soap. I'd try the vinegar before going to the harsher treatments.
Hey, I don't think vinegar will help much with any of those oils that are in the hair. Vinegar is a weak acid and it will work on hard water residue because these are actually salts such as calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. The hydrogen of the vinegar displaces the metal ion of the hard water residues breaking it up, but it won't do much of anything to a big carbon chain molecule like petroleum or oils. It's sort of like salad dressing where the vinegar tries to get away from the oil--same thing here. Oh well, just wanted to save you from smelling like an Easter egg.

I think the detergents are probably your best bet. Good luck!

Okay, you guys are great! Thank you for all your help and input. Yes, we have Prell and Dawn dishsoap and are trying not to wash more than once a day and YES, she is still pretty greasy. Poor thing is a Theater Student and has to take a photo this week for a program for a play she is in...I think a Chignon is the best bet for now.;). Thank you all! Deb

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