Had extra barbell & didn't know!!!!!!


I have a funny story! Some of you may recall me mentioning I really wish I had an extra barbell! Well listen to this.....

I totally forgot we have an old wt bench in the basement. I asked my DH to bring it up today so I can start doing some new exercises on it (incline reverse flys, etc).

Guess what we had with it.... an extra barbell and all the weights! I can't believe it! It has been in my basement all along collecting dust and I could have been using it!

I am so happy as the bench even has the thingy for preacher curls, laying hamstring curls and the holder thing to hold the barbell when doing chest etc. Plus the bench can do an incline or decline. Looks like it will even work for abs!

My brother-n-law had given it to us about 5 years ago and we really never even used it. Then I bought my universal wt system and didn't think I needed it.

Well needless to say... might want to check out your basement if you hardly ever go down there! I am just thrilled with what I found in mine today :+

Hey, isn't that awesome when we find something like that - I am so happy for you. It is amazing what we can find when we clean out a basement or a garage or something.

I had quite a few CIA videos that I had shelved because I thought they were too hard (about 8 of them) - well I pulled them out and lo and behold I have learned them all in the last month and I absolutely love them.

Here all this time, I could have been enjoying these workouts - oh well, I love them now.


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