gymstyle or plb

PLB was my favorite lower body workout for a long time. It hits all the muscles in a good, balanced way, without overdoing, even if you don't do the stability ball work at the end. Then GSL came out, and it's a definite contender for "favorite lower body."

I'd say they are both good additions to a strength training workout library. (And don't forget PUB---which you'll get if you pick up the DVD, which I recommend---it's a great upper body workout).
pub is an awesome workout. i guess i wont waste money since i have gymlb and timesaver plus other workouts that work core/abs

PLB is very different from GS-L. GS-L has a good balance of standing and floor work, with several of the standing exercises requiring light or moderate weight. PLB has more standing work and requires 3 different weights (all moderate to heavy) per pyramid, with each pyramid consisting of 5 sets. They're both great workouts and well worth keeping.

i guess i'll get plb for christmas. allready spending too much money on other things. thanks!

Hi Pinky - loved your web site workout space and calendar. wondering what your workout routine is? how do you fit in yoga - always my greatest challenge! i am always looking for new ideas to makie the most of my limited free time. right now I do 4 days cardio (running and kickbox, sometimes IMAX if weather does not permit run)/2 days lifting; yoga whenever! take a reak from weights every so often and focus on cardio and yoga that week.

Hi pressju, I don't follow any particular rotation. I strength train most of the time. I'm a hard gainer and can't slack off on my weights.:) These days I'm alternating a week of strength training (PS series/Pyramids/Gym Styles/MIS) and a week of endurance (PH/CTX-UB/MM/ME). I don't do all these workouts, of course, I just pick a couple of them to do during the week. I usually do very little cardio, about 2-3 sessions a week, but I've been trying to increase that these last two weeks to about 3-4 a week. I do yoga mostly during the weekend, and late in the evening, when my boy's in bed so I have no distractions. So there are about 2-3 days during the week when I work out twice, either cardio in the morning and weights in the afternoon, or cardio in the morning and yoga in the evening. This is a routine I plan to keep doing 'til the road trip. It's pretty intense, and it's something I can't possibly keep up with for longer periods.

After that, I'll lay low and do something else, maybe a variety rotation. I usually play things by ear. Even though I strength train a lot, there are weeks when I do what you do and focus on cardio and yoga more, although the cardio I choose during these "breaks" is more of the ciruit and crosstraining type sessions like the high step workouts, Circuit Max, C&W. This way, I get to do some weights as well.

I listen to my body a lot and see what I can manage during a given week. I can make a rotation for myself, but chances are, things will be rearranged or changed as I go along. Strength and flexibility are my two top goals, so that is what I work for every day. As long as I'm doing something to get to those goals, I'm pretty happy. I know I'm not giving you definite answers and this post is like a meandering path but I do hope this helps.


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