

I just joined a gym for the summer, hoping to motivate me more. They have computerized weight machines so you can't cheat. The program I'm set up on has me doing 1 set of 12 reps on each machine using a heavy weight. I definately feel a burn, but is this enough to get nicely toned?
I just read about that....

My most recent issue of Fitness had a little article about one set of exercises verses three sets. I infered that you can get great benefits from just one heavy set. It did say try to do three when you can. I can't locate my magazine right now. It would be the July issue. Happy lifting!
One set works very well particualarly when

are starting a program. Doing one set of a variety of exercises vs. say, three sets, of a single exercise, is a very effective way to get into shape for summer! Good luck!

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