Gym Styles or Pyramids?


I'm going to order some more of Cathe's strenth training DVD's in the near future. I had planned on ordering the Pyramid Upper and Lower Body, but after reading some posts, I think I might try the Gym Styles. What does everyone else think? I already have Muscle Endurance and Muscle Max.
This is a tough one as they are both awesome series! I think slightly over GS I'd choose the Pyramids as I have always been a big fan of "Pyramiding" in weight training. it is a good muscle shocker....:)

Just to confuse you;-) I'd choose GS over the Pyramids although I have and LOVE both. I'm choosing GS "slightly" over pyramids.:) I just finished 4 week rotation with them and never failed to work to exhaustion, upped my weights by week 2, and always had DOMS.

But maybe you'll want to listen to Carole, her muscles are bigger than mine and she's a really nice person.

Aren't you glad you asked for help?;-)
Hey Melody...I'll pass on the chocolate syrup on graham crackers, but I will show up for the Michelob Ultra...:) CANNOT go wrong with either series...:)
Hmm, well, I think it depends on how much experience you have with strength training. If you do not have a lot, then the Pyramids might be a more logical place to start, if only because the GS are more of a split-style training whereas the Pyramids cover the entire upper body in one workout. When you're just starting out, you will make gains easily. On the other hand, if you have some experience, GS are VERY innovative and have different exercises than you'd typically see done in the gym. So they'd kick-start you in another direction.

Hope that helps!
I think I would also have to recommend the Pyramids over the Gym Styles for a few reasons, even though I love the music, moves, design of GS and like Melody said they are tough and will give you great strength gains and DOMS--so you'll want to get them eventually.
The Pyramid DVD has more flexibility with Pyramid up only/down only premixes, an all body workout that combines PUB+PLB, the ability to separate out the work for each body part and either use that on its own or coupled with work for that body part from another workout in order to create your own "split" training (i.e. Chest from PUB and say Muscle Max), the TOUGH abs segment w/ PUB and the very effective and fun floor routine from PLB that you can add onto any workout.
If you are looking for a upper and lower body split once or twice a week then the Pyramids are great and challenge the muscles with some confusion (reps/weights).

If you are targeting each muscle group/week for maximum muscle growth (hypertrophy) then the Slow and Heavy's can't be beat!!

All depends on your goals.

Even better is to have them both to rotate as muscles are so efficient and easily adapt to a regular routine. For maximum results....keep them confused with these 2 very different workouts!

I have both and I LOVE the Gym Styles. Since using these workouts the past 6 weeks I have made HUGE gains in my strength.

The Gym Styles really seem to work the muscles from EVERY angle!

Pyramids is great but I would choose the GS Series over Pyramids hands down.

Don't worry though, if you are like the rest of us you will have them all really soon! LOL:7
Of the Gym Styles, I only have the Legs, but I absolutely love it. I've gotten better results with it than any other legs routine of Cathe's.

But I do have both Pyramids, and I really like them. I've definitely noticed better definition in my shoulders since I've used PUB.
I love both as well, however the Gym Styie legs seem to concentrate more on different muscle groups in the legs. Lots of lunges and squats in different positions. My favorite is the slow lunges where you go down for four, hold four, pulse four, go back up four - OUCH!
Also I really like that the dvd is broken up into floor and standing. On days when you don't feel like doing both, you can still get a great work out by doing either one. Lots of sculpting on the floor work.

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