
Active Member
Hi Cathy,

I just purchased the 3 Gymstyle workouts and used the Cest & Triceps! was i supposed to get sore in the upper abs region? Hope I was doing the workouts correctly. Anyway I also ordered the pre-sale DVD's! Can't wait for them!!!.:D
I just want to tone and get some defination sould i incorporate cardio also? I really like the KICK, PUNCH & CRUNCH Workout from Fittv.

Hi Trendy Mom!

If your weight is where you want it but you just want to increase your definition then keep your cardio down to 3 times per week at 20 minutes per session. If you have weight to lose on top of seeking definition do more cardio per week and work your way to 45 minute sessions. You can continue with Gym Style weights as usual.

As for your soreness....your core is used as a stabilizer in almost everything you do. When doing a weight routine for the first few times your core will probably feel it more as it has to work hard to stabilize your muscles through adaptation and acclimation.

Have fun with KPC and with your new workouts when you get them!

Hi Cathy,

I just purchased the 3 Gymstyle workouts and used the Cest & Triceps! was i supposed to get sore in the upper abs region? Hope I was doing the workouts correctly. Anyway I also ordered the pre-sale DVD's! Can't wait for them!!!.:D
I just want to tone and get some defination sould i incorporate cardio also? I really like the KICK, PUNCH & CRUNCH Workout from Fittv.

Hi Cathy,

Thanks for the answers, I cant wait for the new DVD's. Just wanted to say that you inspire me and keep me motivated!!!! I never did like to workout until i found you on FitTv. Now I can't wait for 7pm. I think your workouts are great and they keep me motitvated!!!! :D
how much cardio

Hi Trendy Mom!

If your weight is where you want it but you just want to increase your definition then keep your cardio down to 3 times per week at 20 minutes per session. If you have weight to lose on top of seeking definition do more cardio per week and work your way to 45 minute sessions. You can continue with Gym Style weights as usual.


Cathe I need to drop at least 10 lbs,I got to get my eating under control which I know is about 80% of it,but how many days of cardio should I do?

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