Gym Style Workout Charts ? Anyone?

I have some...can I post it in here??? They are excel spreadsheets. I have them for the DVD's as they are and then I have them for each muscle group as I often split the DVD's up into one body part per day. They have made doing the workouts so much more productive. I'll try and see if I can figure out how to post them in here...or if it's easier you can give me your email address and I can send them to you that way.

I have them too, but in a different format than Excel. So if anyone does not have Excel on their PC and needs them just let me know...:)...Carole
>Does anyone have a spreadsheet for MIS, Power Hour, Body Max
>and MIS ? Thanks !!!!
I sure do Lisa...:) you want me to email it to you?...:)..Carole
Could you send me those GS spreadsheets? I'm doing the rotation which includes all the GS dvds. I was thinking today while doing GS Legs how great it would be to have a chart to keep track of my weights. My e-mail is [email protected]

Sure Deni...what I have is alot of the workouts on Excel. Got them from the Video Fanatics site that closed...:)...Carole

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