hello...i'm thinking of buying GS legs, both upper body DVD's and IMAX 3. i need a break from STS and I have heard good things abt GS DVD's. would love to hear your opinions so gush away!
I think the GS series is a great purchase, especially if you want to keep using the split format for weight training (as opposed to total body weight workouts like MM).
GS Legs is unquestionably my favorite Cathe leg workout (and I have all of them). It is fun yet very challenging. I would describe it as a mixture of the Meso 1 and Meso 2 approaches. There is endurance work where you are using light weights (like stationary lunges with 5lb dumbbells) or the floor work during the second half of the workout, then there are other moves where you can go heavier, like the 3 (I think) sets of squats at the beginning or the plie squats later on. And she keeps you moving the entire time, so you are huffing and puffing for a solid hour. The premixes are also great if you are short on time or want to add a GS "boost" to another workout. I love GS Legs so much that my DH often teases me by saying, "What did you do for your workout today? Let me guess, GS Legs?"
GS Chest & Tris is my "love to hate it" workout. It's a killer. It opens with a gazillion push ups, done in drop set fashion. Then you move on to more traditional weight moves for the chest (flat and incline presses and flyes--3 sets of 12 reps each, I think). It's more like Meso 3 in the sense that you go as heavy as you can, with more emphasis on strength than endurance (except for the push ups, that is!). She transitions to triceps using the close grip chest press, and continues burning you from there with the usual suspects (like overhead extensions) and some band work, IIRC.
GS Back, Shoulders & Bis is a friendlier workout. It still gets the job done (I usually feel it in the biceps especially), but I don't feel the dread factor on this one like I do with GS Chest & Tris. The one thing that stands out to me about this video is that the description says its 62 mins long. It isn't. IIRC it's about 48 or 50 mins long.
Did I gush enough about these workouts for you, LOL?
Yeah that one sure did say 62 mins and when I did it the other I was like what? I'm doing chest and back in a little bit but I think it's a good series. Working toward STS next
hello...i'm thinking of buying GS legs, both upper body DVD's and IMAX 3. i need a break from STS and I have heard good things abt GS DVD's. would love to hear your opinions so gush away!
thanks everyone! wow, Lisa...great description, thanks mucho! BTW, what is a DH? I have seen that before.
I definitely had the 20% off coupon in mind for this, too. I think I will get the GS ones and for the 4th still thinking IMAX 3, but need to review Body Max I suppose!
I feel like I'm backwards from most since my first purchase was STS. I am still loving STS and the coolest thing lately is that my teenage son is starting to do these workouts on his own. this morning I found MMA Boxing in the DVD player! and my younger son likes to do No Equipment Abs and Stability ball abs from the STS Abs DVD.
really looking forward to GS...thanks again!!