Gym Style after finishing STS


New Member
I just finished MESO 3 and took my week off. I was excited to try Gym Style to see if I could lift more. I was shocked to find that I couldn't even lift what I had before STS!!! I was bench pressing 67# in STS 3 (at 90%) but had a very hard time doing 40# in the Gym Style Chest & Triceps. I had always done 40# in the past. For lying tricep crossbody kickbacks, I was doing 15# in STS 3, but actually had to drop down to 5# for Gym Stlye!!

I realize that the reps are more and the rests between sets are not nearly as long in Gym Style, but I wasn't expecting THIS at all!! :mad:

Has anyone else experienced this?
I did! But it's partly because I was using a barbell for STS which I find much easier. However, I found that I was quickly able to make improvements, quicker than before STS.. particularly on flys. Stick with it :)
I "kind of" had the same thing happen. I didn't buy gym styles until after I finished my 6 month STS rotation, so I can't compare a before and after. But I was lifting weights similar to you in Meso 3 and really struggled in Gym Styles with much lighter weights. I was really surprised. But, I think it is what you said..high reps and no rest. And those push ups!
As far as push ups go... I know this sounds stupid.. but do them on an decline for a few weeks. You will fail (I did!) and probably not do all the reps, but then when you go back to the normal ones.. you'll feel like a super hero!!!!
Thanks for your responses! I feel a little better now. I know that those push-ups starting off really fried my arms! I was actually able to do a few "boy stlye" (on my toes) push-ups after STS, but couldn't do more than about 3 with the Gym Style. I'll have to try doing some on an decline and see if the helps. Thanks for the suggestion!

And talk about DOMS!! I did the Gym Style workout on Wednesday and still am having trouble lifting my arms!!
Oh, thanks for the Heads Up! I was thinking of doing Gym Style when I finish STS in a few weeks. I think I would've been bummed I didn't turn into Popeye.
That's good to know!

GS is my favorite Cathe Strength series and the last time I followed a rotation of that, my strength and endurance went thru the roof. I wanted to do a hybrid of GS and 4DS after doing STS (starting that sometime after Christmas due to all the traveling). Now I know not to be upset or dissapointed if I'm not a rock star right out of the gate. I would have thought like you, that it would allow me to increase at least almost right away.

Perhaps something else to consider here is that muscle endurance isn't worked in Meso 2 & 3 so our/your muscles may not be equipped to handle that like they were when you were actively using it before STS?

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