gym series


I have just ordered your gym series and am wondering how I should be incorporating cardio with it. Currently I am alternating running or elliptical on alternate days with a full body weight training video. If I do each separate DVD alternating with cardio on the off days it will be a full week between working those muscle groups. Is this ok?

thanks for your input
I am currently doing a rotation with the Gym Styles series. My week looks something like this...

Day 1 Gym Styles Chest & Triceps
Day 2 cardio
Day 3 Gym Styles Legs
Day 4 REST
Day 5 Gym Styles Back, Biceps, and Shoulders
Day 6 cardio
Day 7 REST
your going to LOVE this series. right now i'm on a week break but starting monday this is what i will do
monday: GS chest and tri, 30 min interval running
tuesday: GS legs
wednesday: GS back, bi, and shoulders, 30 min cardio
thursday: different leg workout
friday: cardio only
sat and sun: off
i like to work legs twice per week b/c they are more stubborn than my upper. i also like to rest on weekends and do fun activities

I like your routine. Could you let me know the total workout time for each day in this routine? I only can workout one hour per day.

Also, did you do any abs workout? If so, where did you fit in? Will it be in Cardio only day?



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
i like just working out an hour a day as well. this routine comes out to almost an hour and a half though unless you do the GS timesavor workouts which is fine (this is what i tend to do to keep it an hour) I usually do abs on my leg days. i try to do weight training intense on 1 or 2 body parts and then 30 min of cardio. since my leg workouts last an hour i don't usually add cardio on these days.
Thanks, Kaiev for your sharing.

I would try yours after I finished up with my current rotation. Yes, I would try the timesaver version. It might not burn as much as I like to. However, like Cathe said it is better than doing nothing.

Yes, for leg days, I don't expect to do anything cardio after that. With all Cathe's mean and lean, now with those drills, my legs feel like noodle after I finished the session.


"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
with the time savers, since your only doing 2 sets instead of 3, be sure to bump up the intensity and really lift heavy weights. then it will balance itself out. its not about time, its about intenstiy.

Let us know your result when you finish this routine.



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
Thanks everyone for your input, I'm fairly new to Cathe and was a little intimidated by how muscular she is! I thought I would never be able to get through one of her videos! I was pleasantly surprised, have only done the bi back and shoulders, but will be upping my weights next time around.

The April 05 routine looks great, but I don't have even half of the material! So for now I'm going to try alternating the GS with cardio, trying to hit my arms twice during the week. I would LOVE to be able to do an hour and a half workout with cardio, but I just don't have the time right now. Sad!

Is there a forum on this site to post weekly workouts? I could use some motivation!


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