GWTW--post #1!

That is interesting. I guess I'll have more to say on that in 2009 WHEN I GET THERE you crazy speed readers!!!!!!!!

hehe, this is why I was holding off on posting before. I will keep my mouth shut now.
I guess I'll have more to say on that in 2009 WHEN I GET THERE you crazy speed readers!!!!!!!!

LOL! I honestly expected to take forever to get through this book, but I'm finding it so good that I'm finding lots of little pockets of reading time and it's much faster reading than I expected. It seems far more readable to me than many books of that type.
OMG, I can't believe you guys are done already!!!! I just don't have enough time to read. I'm lucky to get a few pages in the morning with my coffee. I'd read more at night, but I just fall asleep!

Laura - I'm with you, I'll be plodding along through to the new years. And I'm a fast reader. LOL I'm only on page 176 or something. I just love the way Scarlett really wants the attention of Rhett, but he is just such a "bad" boy.

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