Gunnar Peterson's ball ... is it OK to use it with Cath...


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I have a question... I'm about tu purchase a stability ball for the new workouts, and I saw this silver colored stability ball from Gunnar Peterson, with a couple of VHS excersises, Core Secrets. The videos are not much of an incentive to purchase the ball... I don't think there is much Gunnar could make me do that I don't do with Cathe already... but it's at a good price, and the videos could come in handy eventually.

Anyway, has any of you bought or seen this ball? Could I use that one in Cathe's workouts? Because I'm not sure if the resistance, material, size are the needed.

What do you think?
Thanks and happy holidays everyone!
RE: Gunnar Peterson's stability ball ... is it OK to use it with Cath...

Sorry... it wasn't until I saw the message posted that I realized the subject could be misunderstood... I meant Gunnar Peterson's STABILITY BALL ... :)

RE: Gunnar Peterson's stability ball ... is it OK to use it with Cath...

yes the ball that comes with his workouts can be used with cathe's dvds that is what i use.
RE: Gunnar Peterson's stability ball ... is it OK to use it with Cath...

I use it but sometimes it seems to big.
I think I have to get a smaller one
You can get a ball for 15 or maybe even less. I have his set and will never use the dvds. The ball is 65 cm and rolls around like crazy. I am 5 ft 4 and found I prefer a 55 cm ball most of the time, though I think I am supposed to use a 65. What size ball do you need?
I know cathe uses a 55cm ball and i'm 5'4 so I think i'll have to get one. Gunners ball is just too big most of the time.
I have Gunnar's ball (!) and I use it for some things, but I feel more comfortable with my 55 cm ball most of the time.
That's the only ball I have and got it before I started Cathe. It's a little 'rubbery' and I find that I have to keep filling it with air because mine doesn't keep it's full inflation (either that or I'm too heavy for it, because it sinks pretty deep when I sit on it!). I am still considering getting a different one because it's too bouncy for me!
RE: Gunnar Peterson's ball ... is it OK to use it with ...

Well, I'm kinda small, about 5'2, so I should probably look for a 55cm one instead... Altough I'm not sure I'd find it too high. I saw it inflated and it actually seemed small to me, comparing to what I've seen Cathe with. But then again, it was probably underinflated at the store.

Thanks for your comments, I think I will find the ideal stability ball for me in no time.
RE: Gunnar Peterson's ball ... is it OK to use it with ...

That's the one that I use for Cathe's workouts w/ the stability ball. It's perfect for me, but I'm 5'7" so you might need a smaller one. HTH! And I'm LOL @ Gunnar's ball.... too funny!
Yep, I have the core secrets stability ball. My son popped my other stability ball. When I was shopping for a new one, the core secrets workouts with the stability ball cost the same as a stability ball alone. Sad to say that I have never even previewed the core secrets dvd's, but the stability ball works great with all my Cathe dvd's.


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