Guitly Nutrition Buddy



I'm sorry I haven't posted. My life has speeded up a lot since the last time I posted. I was really happy because I was making progress with my weight management and nutrition goals. Well, all my progress vanished nutritionally and exercise wise because of the time crunch and craziness. Basically, I'm discouraged and its not fun posting when you have major setbacks. I felt bad because I just dropped out of site and I'm the one who started this. I'm sorry. But this isn't working for me.

Helen Z
It's OK Helen,

Everyone comes to roadblocks, and you're right, it's NOT fun
! If this isn't working for you right now, take a break. Soon you will find the detour sign and get back on the main road (and wagon). Until that time comes, take it slow and do what you got to do. We'll be here
! I don't know why I'm using construction analogy, I think it's becuase I live in OH. Please let us know how it's going. Good Luck!
Life's roadblocks

I agree with Aimee. Sometimes life has a way of throwing you curves that are not easy to deal with and are unexpected. I can sympathize. My mother was dying in January. My sister and I spent all, and I mean all of our time, caring for her. I think I may have worked out three times and only x-country skied about twice the whole month. Plus, you are grieving and those lovely little church ladies bring you such wonderful comfort food. But I don't regret one pound I gained. Most of it is off as we speak. But at 35, gaining that much weight (20pounds) is not easy to lose, even if you are fit and eat right. Please, just take a moment to reflect why you aren't able to do something for yourself that you would like to do. Is it for someone else's sake? For your career? Depressed? Just remember, whatever the reason, there are people who care and will be your support system. Just post us! Good luck and I'm thinking of you.
I can relate....

...with the Ohio construction Aimee!! Boy, it's everywhere, isn't it? Hang in there Helen~We all have our times. You'll get back on track eventually!

Hey Debbie,

Did you hear about the construction at 71&161? A trucker tried to make it under the bridge. I can't believe thry're lowering the bridge so now semis can't get through.
Thanks Guys!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-00 AT 07:41AM (EST)</font></center>


Thanks for being so supportive! Unmet goals have a high internal nagging quotient. I'll just ignore them for now until I'm ready to start over again. Maybe I'll get some motivation from those DVD's I ordered. There are some wonderful ladies on this board!

Helen Z

P.S. AmySue, I'll be thinking about you too! Take care.
Hey, Helen

Remember, every day is an opportunity for a new beginning and what really matters is right now. Yesterday is gone, why waste time regretting what can't be changed? Tomorrow is unknowable really. So much of it is outside our control. Then today is what we really have. Make it the absolutely best it can be! And remember, you are never alone.

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