GS series v Slow and Heavy series


I have the Slow and Heavy series and I'm wondering how the GS series different? Besides the combination of body parts.

Slow & Heavy is for pure muscle building. It has the fewest amount of reps so you can go as heavy as possible. Gym Styles has more reps so it is still muscle building but has some of an endurance component as well. The Gym Styles also use a resistance band. Cathe uses this for a "bonus" burn. They are both great series. Also, Gym Styles does not have any core work since Cathe made Core Max which has 3 great core routines plus 3 premixes.

The GS is also a lot more fast paced...}( With not as much rest in between sets...It is a great series to change up with SH...I just got my GS legs and am ready to burn this week!:)

Good luck!

>The GS is also a lot more fast paced...}( With not as much
>rest in between sets...It is a great series to change up with
>SH...I just got my GS legs and am ready to burn this week!:)
>Good luck!

Thanks, Debra. Sounds as though these will be fun.
GS is a lot better workout than the leg workout in S & H. It is fairly high rep. However, I don't always do all the reps. There's also a fantastic floor work section that uses the stability ball.

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