GS Pushups: How to build up to it?


The good news is that I finally ordered the GS upper body DVDs, which I've been drooling over and saving for for a while. Bad news: I did the chest/triceps workout last Monday. Managed to make it through maybe 40-50 of the pushups, many on my knees. Was sore the *entire!!* rest of the week.

I'm scheduled to do that workout again tomorrow: Would love to get some opinions on how to build up to those pushups, since I'm guessing that being sore the entire week probably isn't a good thing? Or should I just do as many as I can until my muscles are screaming for mercy and then live with the pain? x( That workout isn't supposed to hit shoulders, but they were sore, too, and I had to push back doing Back/Shoulders/Biceps by 2 days.

I think these are especially hard because of the lack of rest between sets. I had built up to doing most of my push-ups on my toes (with varying ROM as the set goes on!) or at least on one knee (on a balance disc), from doing P90X, and I was determined to keep it up. When I do GS chest/triceps, I at least double the amount of rest between sets. I'm not as interested in endurance (which I have a lot of workouts for already) as strength.

FYI: any chest workout will also hit the front shoulders as synergistic (helping) muscles. That's why one typical split includes a chest/shoulders/triceps workout (triceps are worked as synergists for both chest and shoulders).

I suggest putting more rest between the sets for now, then gradually decreasing the amount of rest. That way, you can work on strength, and work up to the endurance part of it. Put some light stretching (like rolling your shoulders back to stretch out the chest) between sets as well.
If I were that sore for an entire week, I'd lay off until the soreness is very minimal. I wouldn't push it and live with the pain. Then I'd do only half the push-ups then add 4 reps every time I did the workout.

What really helped me with push-ups was perfecting my planks. I noticed that when my core got strong from planks, my form and endurance during push-ups improved greatly. It's really hard when your lower back sinks during push-ups. You feel like you're pushing away heavier weight.

Also, the shoulders do get worked up some with push-ups. So don't be surprised if your shoulders are sore, too.

I had to push back doing Back/Shoulders/Biceps
>by 2 days.

When I did a Gym Styles rotation, I put the leg workout between the two upper body workouts to give enough rest to my upper body. A typical week looked like:
Day 1: Gym Style chest/triceps + abs
Day 2: Low Max
Day 3: Gym Style legs (rather tough the day after Low Max! LOL!)
Day 4: kickboxing
Day 5: Gym Style back/shoulders/biceps
Day 6: Low Max
Day 7: rest and/or stretch

That way, there are either 2 or 3 days between the upper body workouts.
Thanks, Kathryn--I like that breakdown (though how do you even walk after Low Max and then GS Legs?!). Interesting that Cathe put shoulders in with biceps for GS. I wonder why...

Anyhow, I'm surprised I was able to get through as many pushups as I did--before I started with Cathe's workouts, there's no way I would have been able to do even that many. I've noticed a huge improvement in my pushup form and also my ability to do planks and my form on then. Just started noticing that in the last month, in fact. I *love!!!* Cathe's workouts--I've been working out for years, but have never seen results like I get with her.

The 40ish or so that I got through *were* with extended rest breaks! :( Guess I'll do that again but just start at 12 reps or so--skip 16 and 14 at the very least.
>Thanks, Kathryn--I like that breakdown (though how do you
>even walk after Low Max and then GS Legs?!). Interesting that
>Cathe put shoulders in with biceps for GS. I wonder why...

The original Gym Styles that she described has chest/shoulders/triceps and back/biceps, but when she started filming the chest workout, or just before filming, she posted saying she was moving the shoulder work to the back/bicep workout. She said the workout would be too long with shoulders in as well.

I do all the push ups on my toes, but like Kathryn, I pause the player and take extra rest between sets. I am also more interested in strength than in endurance. I do hope to shorten the rest times between sets a bit however. I was so sore the first time I did this workout, I thought I was going to die}(.

To build up, Pinky wrote about core strength and I second this as well. I simply hate core work, but I've found that it's the key to doing push ups on my toes as well as doing tuck jumps (a move I struggle with, but it's getting better.)

Also, I would keep track of how many in each set you do on your toes and do on your knees and just try to increase the toe pushups by at least 1 each time you do the workout, if your body can. Don't injure yourself or anything, but I've found that keeping workout logs helps me know when to "improve" next time.

Also wanted to add that when I started Cathe about 2 1/2 years ago, I could not do a single pushup on my toes and now I can do lots, so it is possible to gradually work up to it.

take care
>>Also wanted to add that when I started Cathe about 2 1/2 years ago, I could not do a single pushup on my toes and now I can do lots, so it is possible to gradually work up to it.<<

I've experienced the same type of thing--since Cathe I can actually do pushups on my toes. Isn't it a great feeling? :)
You are way too sore so you are going to have to back off in some way, extra rest between sets sounds like a good plan.

I am trying to build up in this way. I can do the first 2-3 sets on my toes. I start each subsequent set on my toes but drop down to my knees when I fatigue, which happens rather quickly. I have seen some progress but it is taking a while. The short rest between sets definitely does not help.


"Don't forget to breathe!"
You all are really impressive with how many pushups you can do.

My max right now is 14-16 on my toes, so the first time I did GS I did the first set of 16 on my toes, then couldn't do another set until the 10s or maybe the 8s. I'm trying to do 1/2 of every set on my toes so I don't get blown out right away. Once I can do 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 on my toes and at Cathe's pace, I'll add in one or two reps per set and build up to the full workout.

Donna, there are 72 pushups to start out the workout - you do 16, then 14, then 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. The 4s and 2s have a slower count too, just to torture your arms and chest more. Of course after the pushups you have weighted chest work.:p Hardcore INDEED!
There are 72 PUSHUPS in the drop set pushup segment? I deliberately didn't count because I really didn't want to know that. Thanks a LOT!<LOL>



"Don't forget to breathe!"
Quick question: does anybody's lower back hurt when doing push-ups?

My arms and chest could go forever with pushups, but it is my lower back pain that makes me have to stop. I've had a personal trainer okay my form (abs tucked, back is flat), and I check it in a mirror periodically. I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. Thoughts?

I have to throw this out here.Does anyone thing GS Chest & Triceps pushup section has een edited like MM.? I am in very good shape & I can do the pushups however just barely & sometimes I am a wee bit behind.I also find my muscles freeze on the 11 th rep of the second set of overhead tricep extensions.I can't believe Cathe's strength / endurance on this video.It is truely a superb workout !

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