GS or Pyramids?


Hi Everyone!

Just looking for your opinion on which is a better investment: the Gym Style series or the Pyramids? I am currently using 4DS and Muscle Max for heavy lifting and want to get more into lifting and do less cardio (and I love cardio!). Which one of the two have you seen better results with in terms of building muscle and leaning out overall? I have a feeling I will end up getting both eventually but just wanted the opinion of this educated crowd.

Thanks in advance! :7

Gym Styles all the way.

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(¸.•♥´ (¸ ;.♥•Jennie•♥

~What's round on the end and high in the middle? Tell me if you know.~

Smoke free since: 2/05/08
Hello Maggie,

I like both and use them for different reasons. I like Pyramids because the split is either upper or lower body, so I could do this and add in MM or ME to work my body twice a week. I could heavy up in MM to get results. I like to work total body twice a week this way and find that this is better for building strength. Gyms Styles is 3 day split like Slow & Heavy and means that I work my body once a week, because I don't like to do more than 3 days of weight training.

I also prefer the Pyramid Legs over Gyms Styles Legs. I like the floor work using the stability ball and pyramid up and pyramid down format as I can go heavy with the weights. It's less time than GS Legs but my legs work just as hard, if not harder. But GS has tough upper body work with lots of push ups.

Depending on how you like to weight train, either series will be just as effective.

Thanks for your feedback everyone! I think I will start with GS for now, although I am not looking forward to GS legs (I don't like working legs). I know it has to be done but I prefer upper body work so much more!

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