gs legs vs legs and gluts


Active Member
i was wondering how similar these two workouts are?

if i have pure strength series, ctx LL and MIS/PH dvd will slow and heavy be redundant? how different is it?

thanks in advance.
Both of these workouts are muscle endurance workouts. But I would say L&G is more of an endurance workout than GSL. For instance in the beginning of L&G the squats are done fast and with one 15ld dumbell. In GSL the squats are done with a 40lb barbell at a slower speed. Really I would say L&G is GREAT but is lower weights done at a fairly fast speed for the lower body work. GSL uses a little heavier weight than what is used in L&G for hamstrings and such, and is at a slower pace. Also in GSL Cathe gives breaks to bring down the heartrate and in L&G no such breaks. Well I hope that helps.

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