I have to agree with Christine, you would do well to invest in the entire GS series. The workouts are a great mix of tempos and reps, of strength and endurance lifting.
I agree that PLB is probably the closest to GSL in terms of exercises performed, but just wanted to clarify that B&G and L&G also have standing leg and floorwork like GSL.
Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I would do PLB but skip the pyramiding. What I mean is pick a number of reps for each exercise say 8 and just go as heavy as you can instead of following Cathe doing 12,10,8 etc reps. I hope that makes sense.
Thanks everybody! I'm headed down for PLB right now. Don't know what I was thinking when I bought the other GSs and not Legs! Need to order that one this week.
hi, kate, catherine, and all the other c,s & k,s. i'm cathy.
i have slow & heavy, why is GS better than S&H? i need a good reason to get another set of workouts i have PLB off of fittv,so it is not the entire workout.
I wouldn't say GSL is better than S&H. As a matter of fact I prefer S&H to the GS. But I prefer heavy slower reps than the faster pace of the GS. I think the GS is a bit more enduranced based and S&H is a bit more strength based. I hardly ever use the GS. I will say however that I love PS legs. I don't know why but the GS legs workout just never clicked with me.