GS Legs Substitute


Which would be the best substitute for GS Legs?

Butts & Guts
Pyramid LB
Slow & Heavy Legs
Legs & Glutes

Thanks for your help!
I would say Pyramid LB would be the best as it has both standing and floor work. Although GS Legs is definitely worth your investment.
I have to agree with Christine, you would do well to invest in the entire GS series. The workouts are a great mix of tempos and reps, of strength and endurance lifting.

I agree that PLB is probably the closest to GSL in terms of exercises performed, but just wanted to clarify that B&G and L&G also have standing leg and floorwork like GSL.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Thanks everybody! I'm headed down for PLB right now. Don't know what I was thinking when I bought the other GSs and not Legs! Need to order that one this week.

Thanks again!
Trust in the LORD with all your heart.

hi, kate, catherine, and all the other c,s & k,s. i'm cathy.

i have slow & heavy, why is GS better than S&H? i need a good reason to get another set of workouts:p i have PLB off of fittv,so it is not the entire workout.

so, what is ya'lls opnions?
I wouldn't say GSL is better than S&H. As a matter of fact I prefer S&H to the GS. But I prefer heavy slower reps than the faster pace of the GS. I think the GS is a bit more enduranced based and S&H is a bit more strength based. I hardly ever use the GS. I will say however that I love PS legs. I don't know why but the GS legs workout just never clicked with me.

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]

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