GS Legs floor work


I did the standing portion of GS Legs last Tuesday and was vaguely sore the next day. I did the floor work portion yesterday, and oh my goodness, I'm feeling muscles around my hip area that I didn't know I have. It's the band. I've never used a band before for leg work and my body's just getting acquainted with it. Ouch!

Hi Pinky,

I did this workout yesterday in full and have SEVERE DOMS. Especially in the hip and hamstring area. I agree, the band has a lot to do with it. I have felt severe DOMS in other muscle groups throughout the week from using the band too. My triceps were on fire for two days and I did BBS today and am already feeling it in my back and shoulders. We should have some great looking muscles in a few months!!

I thought this was great floor work! I had broke this into two workouts like you...standing one day and floor the next and I was very happy with both, but really enjoyed the floor work! That band does the trick!

I have this on my schedule to do again today. I love the entire workout, but the floor work is so awesome. I can see how it can easily be broken in to 2 workouts!
Hi Pinky!...Awesome workout, it sure got my hamstrings the first time although I am not sure if it was from the standing or the floorwork!! I even ordered stronger resistance bands..(what was I thinking??)..:)...I have to say, I think it is the band that seems to kick most of these weight workouts up a bit!!....Carole
I hear ya, ladies... those HAMSTRINGS! Now that you mention it, I'm thankful that I lowered my weights considerably when I did those reverse deadlifts -- where you stand on the high step topper and start with the weight very near your toes. I have this curved spine that I constantly have to be vigilant about, so I used only half the weight (two 10-lb. db's), mostly just to get used to the movement and how it felt, especially in my lower back. After doing standing work, it was my hamstrings that felt it. But the floor work... it's Saturday now, and I still have mild "aftershocks":) all the way to my butt. I'm liking GS Legs more than L&G.


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