GS Chest strategy?


Hi everyone -

I'm hoping you can help me with a question. I just got GS C&T and I've done it 3 times now. I find that if I do the push-ups at the beginning (some on my toes and some on my knees), my chest is so fried that I have to use lighter weights on the presses and flies (so where I can use 15 or 18's for SH chest, I'm down to 12 or even 10's). Is it better to do fewer push-ups and go heavier on the weights? Or are the push-ups really great for chest work so I should go all out on those and use my 10's on the flies? Or do them in reverse order? Or something else I haven't thought of?

My goals are to lose weight and increase definition -- I have good muscles under this darn layer of fat that wants to hold on forever.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Strategy 1: Say my prayers the night before I do GS Chest and Tris.}(

Strategy 2: I do the pushups then go with whatever weight I'm capable of handling. The longer I've done this workout, the more I can incease the weights!:7

No matter WHAT weight I use this is one workout that nearly ALWAYS gives me DOMS!;(

Good luck!

I do the same thing. I did 3 weeks S&H using 20#dumbells for presses and flies and then when I switched to GS I also was fustrated at having to drop to 15#- after 3 weeks though I am up to 20# for the first 2 sets of presses and on the first set of the flies. I figured as long as I am upping my weight I'm not going to worry about it. (personally I'm just happy to get thru the pushups with straight legs) Also, it does make a difference with which order you do thing in as to which weights you know, same exersizes, different order, I do usually change my weights- rereading not sure this makes sense.:eek:
Another option would be to do the pushups last, and if needed take slightly longer rests btwn pushup sets since you'd be tired from the weight work.
I second miss robina8or :) Give it time! Do as much as you can and lower the weight when you need to. That is the idea of working to exhaustion. Be patient & you will see improvements!

“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.” --Ellen Degeneres
I do two sets of 16 push-ups and then move on. Personally, it think it's overkill to do so many. If I ever do a rotation that concetrates totally on muscular endurance, I may try to do them all, but not during a strength rotation.
You could do the workout without the push ups and do the push ups right before your cardio on a cardio day or add them in to the day you work the rest of your upper body.

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