Growing veg ?


Hi All,

Just wondering, as we are all advocates of eating loads of veggies, does anyone actually grow their own veg in the back gardens (or yards) ?
I don't, but I sow my own herbs every February, and grow them on in pots in my kitchen ?

Yours curious

Hi Anna,

This year I grew basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, tarragon, dill, chives, and cilantro on my back deck. The basil was the most successful. I haven't tried vegetables yet, maybe next year. I did start some of my herbs from seed, but late-in May. I live in the US-Northeast so I think the climate is the same as yours--generally. I'll have to try sowing them in Feb.....

Donna M
Hi Donna,

I sow mine indoors, in little propagating trays, and when they are big enough, I transplant them to clean, washed out yoghurt pots, and keep growing them on in your home, and when they are big enough, put into larger pots for those you want to keep in the kitchen, and pop the rest outside in the ground.
If you have a fairly big window sill in your home, tomatoes grow brilliantly indoors - thats if you don't mind having a jungle in your window !

Thanks, Anna! I don't mind having a jungle in my window, but I wish my window sill was bigger!! I suppose I could rigg something up......I love trying to grow things (emphasis on TRYING)!!

Donna M
I would do it if I didn't live in a condo. I do the next best thing and go to the farmer's market every weekend.
Hi Donna,

Forgot to mention over the weekend that Chives are brilliantly easy to grow (and they pep up a baked potato and cottage cheese), and if planted in the garden, will come back year after year !

Part of my front yard is dedicated to herbs. I used to plant tomatoes and bean as well, but some disease moved in the area so I haven't done that for a while. There's nothing like eating a fresh-picked tomato!

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