Grey's Anatomy finale!?!?!?


:eek: Oh my word!!!!!! STILL trying to catch my breath! I was completely blindsided...did NOT see that end coming!!! WOW!!! I was too shocked to even cry...seriously...still trying to breathe normally!!! Excellent job writers!

I keep up with the gossip so I knew those 2 were up in the air with contracts, but still...didn't see that one coming!
oh, yes I was completly shocked! Especially when Marideth (Sp?) figured out it was george.

So somebody tell me... did they both really for real die on the show.. like not coming back next year? :(
OMG :eek::eek::eek:!!!

My heart was racing after that one! I also couldn't sleep, and when I did fall asleep finally I'd wake up and rerun the whole thing in my head again!

Totally had NO IDEA!! Not even when Meredith screamed because she recognized him did I get it. It wasn't until she actually said it out loud to the other doctors. I really think this was their best finale yet.

The 007 thing went over my head, though. Anyone know what the significance of that was?

007 = Licensed to kill. They started calling George 007 when he killed/or almost killed someone.
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No, it was early on I think probably in the 1st or 2nd season. IIRC, he was doing an appendectomy or some kind of routine sx and he couldn't do something right and the African-American Dr was stressing him out-'Your're running out of time George" and had to step in all the while everyone was watching up in the gallery. I don't think the patient died but could have. then everyone started the 007 thing and i think Meredeth had to explain to him what that meant.
Excellent episode. And no, it is not clear what happens to either one of them. I assume one of them is dying, but which one? They left that really hanging there. And, as usual, Chandra Wilson's (Bailey) acting was superb. Actually, all of the acting was excellent last night. Well done, Ms. Rimes!!
DH & I were both totally blindsided! The writers did an excellent job on the finale. DH woke up this morning and the first thing he said was, "WOW, what a shocker & blindside!" I, too, was so shocked I didn't even cry. I love George & Izzie and hope so bad that they aren't leaving even though I heard they were??? DH said he heard yesterday that the show is waiting to hear feedback on what the fans WANT. Not sure if that is true. I want them both back! GREAT FINALE!!!!
Oh wow I totally agree! I was so shocked when it was George that I didn't know what to do! I just said "OMG!!" It was all I could muster up. I have a feeling that George will be the one to die because he really wants out, and Izzy has said that she'll stay as long as they want her to who knows! I'm kind of expecting to not see George anymore!
I loved it, but was sad! jumping in front of a bus is totally a george thing to do. Here you kinda know from gossip that he is the army thing makes you think ah ha thats how they are writing it and then BAM bus thing. And you start rethinking...can you save the arm, and all the talk around him and its GEORGE. Wow.

So the looks george and izzy share at the elevator. Was it her realizing she was dead and then the fact that he was there...that he was dead? The unspoken looks were great.

It was all great. I liked Arizona's confrontation of the cheif. I'm gonna cry, I know I'm going to cry so ignore it. I get mad sometimes like that. LOL
I have to rank this episode right up there with the Superbowl episode. Just those last 7 minutes alone....I had to rewind it just to see the scene with George and Merideth. Kudos to T.R. Knight (George) for putting emotion into a scene in which he got to look at his friend, write on her hand 0..0..7, 0..0..7, and as he saw that she realized what he was telling her and just as the comprehension set in, he grasped her hand as if to comfort her! That is so George! And I also loved the elevator scene -classic Grey's. You can't be sure if one, both or neither of them is gone. Did anyone else expect Denny to be the one on the other side of that door??!!!! I have to say that I started to figure it out when Bailey told the Chief about the intervention and he said "He never scrubbed in, I sent him home earlier today to be with his Mother." At that point I had a sick feeling in my stomach, and for them to then cut to the room where they were, and Meredith said "I guess you get that alot when you take a bus for somebody", which was such a thing he would do.
As you can tell, I was blown away by this episode. As others have said, it left me breathless....I still haven't really caught my breath!
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I was at the edge of my seat this morning watching:eek:!!! What a great season finale! I agree,the best one so far:D

I love both Izzy and George so i would hate to see either one of them go:(
I thought is was George from the beginning because I knew he wanted off the show and was wondering how they were going to do it. The Army was not dramatic enough....and that first look he gave Meredith when he first came in locked it up for me.....I just keep saying to my TV it's George when are you guys going to realize it George!!!

It just never crossed my mind that it was George. I didn't even get the 007 reference. I missed that completely. But I was starting think that Izzy was gonna make it after she got her memory back. At the same time I was sooooooo pissed at Alex because he was such an a$$. Then all of that happened and I was :eek::eek::eek:
And I was loving Alex, 'cuz that is what I think that his character would do. He is quirky. He loves Izzie so deeply, but doesn't really know how to handle that love. It scares him!

I couldn't imagine just sitting there explaining circumstances to Izzie over and over. I might do what Alex did in order to try to save the one I love, too.

The whole episode just fascinated me. I love this show and am so glad that we ended on such a good episode...looking forward to next fall!!!
Ok, I was avoiding this thread like the plague becuase I hadn't watched it yet. BUT, just caught the DVR of it - OMG. Great episode.

I figured out it was George as soon as the chief said he'd left.

I guess it was my understanding that both Izzy and George are off the show, and this is how they wrote them off. I was thinking both were meeting in heaven with the elevator part.

Got my 11 DS hooked on the show :) He cried right along with me!

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