Green Vibrance

Well I guess no one here uses it....I just bought a 15 day supply and took my first dose...tastes like grass. LOL. Supposed to be very good for you. Time will tell if there is any notable difference I suppose!:)
I was using green vibrance last summer regularly, it's hard to quantify the benefits. I think my complexion improved. I don't like the taste. Oddly, I added it to some no-sugar no-HFCS cranberry juice and that made it more palatable. IMO it ruins a fruit smoothie though. HTH :)
I have been buying these tasty fruit and veggie juices/smoothies made by Bolthouse. They are delish. I think I will trying mixing the green vibrance in that and see how it tastes.

Thanks for your feedback.:)
I've used it at times, I like it and would use it all the time but it gets expensive. I tried straight spirulina but that is a tough one for me to get down and I've chugged a lot of funky looking green smoothies. Mixing greens with that organic apple juice (unprocessed, cloudy) that comes in big glass jugs at the health food store works well but then I end up guzzling all the juice which is just too much sugar and also $$.

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