Green Tea?

teri ket

I read and read about all the benefits of drinking green tea on a regular basis. The problem is I just cannot seem to develop a taste for it. I can drink it but do not enjoy it.

My question is....Are the benefits I would get be worth the amount of displeasure I would get out of drinking it? If so I will.

Thanks for your input
Have you tried red or white teas? These are rumored to be even better for you. Black teas also have many benefits so if you can find one that you enjoy go with it. I'm a english/irish breakfast tea junky. I do not like herbal fruity teas. The only green tea I truly enjoy is Tazo's zen which has mint. These are not caffeine free is that is an issue for you.
Are you brewing your own green tea? If so, be sure that the water is NOT boiling (if it hits the boiling point, let it cool a bit before adding the tea bag to it), and only steep for less than 3 minutes (I've seen recommendations for anywhere from 2 to 4 minutes, but 3 seems about right). If the water temp is too high, or the tea steeps too long, it tends to get bitter. I can't stand the green tea a friend of mine makes, because she uses too-hot water and may steep for too long.

Try sweetening with stevia (perhaps a flavored liquid stevia), or making a pitcher and adding agave nectar and sliced whole organic lemon. Mixes like Tazo Zen (which you can get ready made or in bags) are also a good choice. I also like Inko's ready-made Hint of Mint, with mint (spearmint, I think) and ginger, and no sweetener.

As Beavs said, white tea is good as well (red tea, or rooibos, is not really a tea, as it comes from a different plant, but it is also good).

Another option, as healthy as green tea, and perhaps more, is Yerba Maté. It tastes similar to black tea.
i love the Diet Lipton Green Tea with Citrus thoughi know its not totally healthy with the sweetener and citric acid.

Lately I have been making it as an ice tea and then I add lemon juice to it and stevia. The lemon juice and stevia really make it taste better (at least to me :)
If you are looking for a decaf, I like Tazo's Lotus Green Tea. It is naturally decafinated with natural lotus flower flavor. Don't let green tea steep too long!
Do you like chai spice flavors? Yogi tea makes a fantastic "Organic Green Chai Tea"... They also make a "redbush" one (I think that is the same thing, but with the rooibos tea other posters have mentioned.)

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