Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes rotation

I am pear shaped and was in need of a rotation that would reshape, tone as well as shed those subborn lower body fat and reduce cellulite.. I am happy to report that this rotation delivered.. I did this rotation for 16 weeks changing the cardio every 4 weeks but keeping the LB workouts the same.. now when I walk I am jiggle free.. cellulite and fat is almost gone and the muscles have emerged.. I recommend this rotation to all who want to get rid of the LB fat and have lean & tone legs/thighs
I found that interval and circut w/o's work better for me.. for example, I sub IMAX for Hardcore Extreme Leg Blast, ME for Muscle Max, PS Legs for Butts & Gutts, Cardio & Weights w/ Hardcore Extreme Circut.. I also ran, did Drill Max, BootCamp and MIC.. I also found that for the LB I had to do a little more cardio so 2x a week I did Turbo Jam Fat Blaster.. but Cathe's LB workouts did the job.. hope that help
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...


I've just had a look at your workout page and you have done really well. You look fantastic. Congratulations on your weight loss. I think I'll give that Aug 2004 Rotation a try.

Laura & Duck thank you so much for your kind words... I just started reading Body For Life and will soon be doing the challenge using Cathe w/o's i'll keep you posted

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

Hey - can you post this rotation or tell me where I can find it please? I would really like to try it since I am extremely pear shaped and cannot seem to shed any fat from my lower body. My upper body is looking pretty good but my lower body hasn't changed much. Thanks in advance!

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

Here you have the rotation:

August Rotation"
Mon Aug-02-04 12:29 PM by Cathe Friedrich

The August rotation will focus on burning body fat and shaping the legs and glutes. Of course in the process we cannot ignore the upper body and core so a couple of workouts will be included to keep those muscles inspired as well. Enjoy!


Mon….Legs and Glutes then run 20 minutes
Tues….Imax One
Wed….Muscle Endurance
Thurs…PS Legs and Abs and run 20 minutes
Fri……Cardio and Weights
Sat……CTX Kickbox (cardio only)plus the stability ball segment of PUB


Mon…..Pyramid Lower Body plus 30 minutes Basic step
Tues…..Pyramid upper body plus 20 minute run
Wed…..Pyramid Lower Body plus 200 walking lunges
Thurs….Imax 2 plus 10 minute ab hits
Fri…….HSTA plus 10 minute ab hits


Mon…...Legs and Glutes plus 20 minute run
Tues…..Cardio kicks plus 10 minutes ab hits
Wed……Slow & Heavy Legs only plus 200 walking lunges
Thurs….CTX upper body plus Body Fusion
Fri…….Legs and Glutes plus 10 minutes ab hits


Mon….Body Max
Tues….Pyramid Upper Body plus 30 minute basic step
Wed….Leaner Legs
Thurs…CTX Cardio of choice plus Pyramid lower body stability ball segment only
Fri……CTX cardio of choice plus 10 minutes of abs
Sat:……Leaner Legs followed by PLB stability ball segment only

Have Fun!

Mariángeles the spanish Turbo Kick junkie
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

Thanks a bunch for posting the rotation! 200 walking lunges??? That's insane!

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

You are welcome Theresa

Mariángeles the spanish Turbo Kick junkie
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

I agree...I am in my second round of this rotation, which I modified a bit both times to include mostly running and to compensate for w/outs I don't have or like), and I love what it is doing for my resistant lower body. I am seeing more leanness and definition in the legs, for sure. Great rotation!


"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...


I did this rotation for 16weeks and it is great... keep doing it and you will love the results.. i just got Gym Style Legs and plan to incorporate it to the w/o's.. i also do butts & Gutts to the workouts

Stayfit- i just discovered Turbo Jam and i am i LOVE.. how are you able to incorporate it w/Cathe's w/o's

Theresa- also what i did to shake up my lower body, i added in additional 30min cardio 3x a week in the pm to move the thighs and it helped ALOT.. like you my upper body looks great but if i want the LB to look as good, i have to do more cardio..i read some where that pear shaped women have to do extra cardio AM nd PM to get better results.. i did for 4 weeks in preparation for my vacation and i am happy.. once school starts i wont have that time so i am going to have to really clean up my eating

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

I am going to do this rotation now, thanks to your testimony. I'm on day 2. I did Imax 1 today. I'll post my results if I can stick to it. I hate my chunky thighs. They look alot better than they used to thanks to Cathe's workouts, but still not what I want. I might do this rotation and then follow it up with Cathe's Aug. 07 rotation. I'll see how this one goes. Ange, your weightloss story is very inspirational. I too am 5'3". I only weigh 115 but I have chunky thighs. Not bad, but they jiggle and don't look firm which is what I want. Sigh. I think I am going to have to cut out a few things in my diet ( ice cream, frosted flakes, snacking at night,etc.):-( .

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

I just started this rotation after reading about your fabulous results. I am also a stubborn pear, and while my upper body looks great, my lower body doesn't reflect how much time I spend working out! Very frustrating!!!

I'm hoping this will do the trick! Good luck to all!
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

RGI, I think you're gonna love it!

[font face="garamond" font color=deeppink size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

RQI- you are going to love the results.. just remember to eat clean.. i'm like you 5'3, uppper body is nice but the LB didnt look like i w/o as hard as i do.. but what i found is that w/pear shaped you cant just do a rotation once.. i had to do it at least 4x.. remember to EAT CLEAN.. that is so critical.. i'm taking a short break not from the rotation completed but.. oh it wouldnt hurt to do a little extra cardio this is what i'm currently doing:

wk1 UB, Cardio, LB, Cardio, UB, Cardio- rest
wk2 LB, cardio, UB, cardio, LB, Cardio- rest
wk3 UB, cardio, LB, cardio, UB, Cardio-rest
wk4 LB, cardio, UB, cardio, LB, Cardio-rest

right now i'm doing Turbo Jam for cardio.. i'll get back to the rotation in October..

keep me posted

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

I'm finally going to get started on this rotation. We just got back from the beach last week so I am ready to go!!
i have a question though. I don't have CTX so my question is when she says do CTX cardio how long is that cardio so i know what to sub for it? I don't have other ones that are on the list but I can figure out what to sub for them so its no biggie. I think I'm going to treat myself and buy Pyramid Upper/Lower Body this month. I have been wanting that one really bad since I tried it at my SIL's house a few months ago. She dubbed it for me but for some reason my DVD player won't play it. Anyway, I just wanted to know about the CTX cardio portion. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!!!!

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

Thanks for your help! So I need to do some type of cardio that is around 30-45 long. works for me!!!

Have a good day!

RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r...

Hi Ange -

Hello -

I read your message about the Aug '04 rotation and was encouraged. I am also a pear shape and have lost considerable weight 40lbs but have a ways to go, 40 more. Wow do cardio in the AM and PM?! Who has the time!!! javascript:smilie(';(') Well, no more excuses I'll at least start with 15minutes in the morning and take it from there. PM workour aren't as hard.

I do have a question though, what does clean eating mean... no condiments? Please explain your diet.

Thanks - javascript:smilie(':7')


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