I'm sure some of the actual experts (unlike me!) on this forum will have great advice, but in the meantime here are some ideas:
Kickmax - leg drills (18 minutes of slower paced, incredibly intense kicking drills) Very good for leg toning & strengthening.
Legs & Glutes - Standing leg work w/ ankle wts (works your quads, outer thighs). Can you do leg presses? If so, Cathe has some w/ ankle wts where you lift your leg out to the side. Floor work w/ ankle wts very good too.
Pyramid Lower Body - stability ball work (for hamstrings, glutes, outer thighs etc.)
Gym Styles - Legs - floor work w/ stability ball and band(hamstrings, outer thighs, glutes, inner thighs) Note: I keep my feet flat on the floor during the inner thigh ball squeezes because it's too much strain on my knees otherwise. I just squeeze the ball between my inner thighs/knees and it works the inner thigh just as well. You may find you have to do the same.
Butts & Guts - all floor work with ball or ankle wts (hamstrings, inner/outer thighs, glutes)
Lastly, brisk walking (4 mph minimum) can also be very good for shaping the legs. HTH!
Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.