Great legs without squats and lunges?

Is it the extra wt in the dumbbells or barbell can causes your knee trouble with squats and lunges or the movement itself? I ask because my knees can't take really heavy wt on squats or lunges without aching the next day. I can only do 30 lbs now and it took me about 9 months to get there.

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My knees have trouble with squats and lunges also, even using very light/no weights. Have had some relief lunging onto a 6" step but still not great. Would also be interested in other exercises we could do.

I'm sure some of the actual experts (unlike me!) on this forum will have great advice, but in the meantime here are some ideas:

Kickmax - leg drills (18 minutes of slower paced, incredibly intense kicking drills) Very good for leg toning & strengthening.

Legs & Glutes - Standing leg work w/ ankle wts (works your quads, outer thighs). Can you do leg presses? If so, Cathe has some w/ ankle wts where you lift your leg out to the side. Floor work w/ ankle wts very good too.

Pyramid Lower Body - stability ball work (for hamstrings, glutes, outer thighs etc.)

Gym Styles - Legs - floor work w/ stability ball and band(hamstrings, outer thighs, glutes, inner thighs) Note: I keep my feet flat on the floor during the inner thigh ball squeezes because it's too much strain on my knees otherwise. I just squeeze the ball between my inner thighs/knees and it works the inner thigh just as well. You may find you have to do the same.

Butts & Guts - all floor work with ball or ankle wts (hamstrings, inner/outer thighs, glutes)

Lastly, brisk walking (4 mph minimum) can also be very good for shaping the legs. HTH!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Perhaps you're having some pain from high impact cardio? I know for me, I feel pain in my knees when squatting when I'm doing too much high impact cardio. When I tone that down (or take a break from it completely), I find that squats are no problem. Just an idea. :)


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