great dream


Last night, I had a great dream! I dreamt that I was at this fancy ball and Leonardo DiCapprio was there - in a tux. Man, he looked great. then, he came over to my table and asked me to dance - slow dance. He kept complimenting me on how I looked and how he'd like to get to know me...HMMMMMMM

great dream!
OK, I'll share a dream I had last night. It was bizarre. I dreamt I was in my maternal grandparents backyard (the way it used to look when I was a kid). There was an old shed in the yard at that time. On the roof of the shed were 4 very large eggs that looked like they were in the process of hatching. One hatched and it was a baby great horned owl. I was the first thing it saw and it thought I was its mother. I did a great horned owl call in an attempt to get the mother owl to return to her roost on the shed and then woke up.

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