Great Cathe Cam class!



Didn't get to see the whole class but from what I saw I'm now in a quandry. I only ordered the 6 pack but now I wonder did I boo boo? Should I order the other two? Such indecision. July is not over yet so I can stew for a couple more weeks.
Thanks Cathe!

Truly, you MUST order CircuitMax and the kickboxing vid (blanking on the name. . . ). Anyway, I only saw the very end of the class this morning, the core stabilization stuff, and I would buy the whole tape JUST FOR THAT!! It looked great and tough! And on last October's Cathe trip I got to do a Cardio Kicks-ish sort of class with Cathe and it was SO COOL!!! A total blast, really, you've gotta get it!


Thanks fellow vidiot! Now I can rationalize my purchase...Susan made me do it! Before the month is over I swear on my mighty stack of exercise videos that I will order Kickbox Express & Circuit Max!
I'm heading out to Ohio again tomorrow so when I return I'll place my additional order, then I'm going on a Cathe tape spree to prep myself for the arrival of all my new tapes.

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