Got any ra-ra's for me?


I'm stuck in another funk yet again. I started Body for Life for Women about 2 weeks ago, and really enjoyed it. It's a wonderful program/way of life for me. However for some reason I just can't seem to stick to anything. I've been worried about some personal life issues...and feeling sad for not being able to attend my nieces' second birthday (I live 1000 miles away). Blah blah blah...lots of excuses and not enough discipline. Same story, different month.

I need some ra-ra's to get me back into the clean living swing!! Anyone out there? :p
Connie, Connie, she's our man, if she can't do it no-one can!!!!

*shakes pom poms and does the splits*

How was that?;-)

You can stick to it! I know you can:) And don't beat yourself up for slipping occasionally. We're only human![/img]
YAY CONNIE, YOU CAN DO IT!![/img][/img]

I have faith in ya, darling. :) Like Shelley said--don't be so hard on yourself. We're only human and can never be perfect. If you strive for perfection, you'll always fail. (Holy crap, I think I just made that up! I'm brilliant!!!!)

Just strive to be happy and healthy. I'm sorry you missed your niece's birth and your other niece's birthday. It's tough to be far from home and miss out on that stuff. You'll see them soon and they'll be so glad to see you! :)

Shelley, ROTFLOL! Shake those pom poms!

Allison, you ARE brilliant...check out my new sig!

Connie, sorry to hear your motivation is waning. It happens to the best of us. Just take it one day at a time and do what you can do. We're all here cheering for you! (Especially Shelley!)
LOL, glad you like it Allison. I'm being silly, of course, but I do really like the quote. And I've never had anything in my sig before, so you should be flattered.

Glad I could make you laugh. Hope things are going better than last week.

Oh yeah, and more RA RA CONNIE!! :+ :7
Go Connie, Go Connie ! ! ! :+ :7 :+ :p :eek: :D :7

Are you checking in on the Checkins and Challenges at all?

That has helped me stick to my plans so far this entire year.

But also know that we are all different and maybe switching it up more often for you is the way you need to be. And we all have our days where the blahs creep in. It's natural so don't fret it.

Just pick up and keep on truckin' the next day. Change into your workout clothes, come to the board for a little inspriation and motivation and then get "Cathein".

You can do it yes you can - Shelley even said so !}(
Ms. Connie....stop worrying and get down to the business of enjoying life and being good to yourself. You'll make it through girl. I have the utmost faith in you!!!!! Ra-Ra-Cha-Cha-Cha!
You are so not alone. My workout has hit the skids and my eating isn't what it should be. I'll get back I just have all sorts of stuff competing for my time and energy right now.

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