Good website for recipes


I don't know if anyone has ever seen this website before, but I just found it and thought I'd share it. It has more recipes than I've ever seen before, and they're all divided into categories (meats, modified diet, Mexican, etc.). Anyway, I just thought I'd share. It is

You can....

...also go to WWW.HONEYBUNCH.COM! Sorry, I couldn't resist! :7 Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
With my passion for marshmallows, the big guy in Ghostbusters had better never cross my path!!!! I would be charged with murder 'cuz I would EAT him!!!!!!!!!!!:9

I would really love to open a bakery, write a cookbook, and appear on the Food network with EMERIL!!!!!!!!!;-)

By the way, I found the hiding place for the peeps already! We have to get more creative around here with our hiding places!
Looks like...

...I NEED to get over to your place and help sweetie-pie find some new hiding places!!! Speaking of marshmallows, I had a bag sitting here not long ago and thought Hmmmm, wouldn't a roasted marshmallow taste good? I preceded to spear one and held it over my electric cooktop stove and it WORKED!!! Oh my, such a treat and NO Fat!! :9 Of course, you can't eat JUST one! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Looks like...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-01 AT 09:53AM (Est)[/font][p]See what eating too much sugar in marshmallows does?? It makes you double post!!:-rollen Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

What a laugh, Debbie, to know you have roasted marshmallows on your oven burners too :D. My husband saw me doing that once and thought I was crazy :-rollen. His sweet tooth isn't nearly as well developed as mine!

Honeybunch, I don't get it that you can stay small and fit and eat the sweet stuff you seem to. You really do workout hard, I know. Now spring is here I'll have to get out and add some hard, fast walking to my programme. You put me to shame.

Emily, I still can't get that site in...oh can't have everything.

Thanks for getting back to me.
RE: marshmallows

I only eat the sweet stuff once a week, and the peeps sneak in the during my "good" days once in a while. Peeps are a "legal" indulgance because they have no fat, but I still have to watch my intake of them. Depending on the size of the package, they can be 390 or 520 calories. It's a struggle, but those killer Cathe tapes (Step Fit at 5:00 am yesterday) help!

There is really very little between me and scales saying 600 lbs.

If you want to walk fast, get some music tapes from

They have the best!!!
Emily & Susan!

I can't get into that site either just to let you know. Emily, is it possible you left out just one letter or dot or something in the link you posted??? BTW, HB's workouts make-up for the sweets she likes!! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: marshmallows

Thanks HB for the site for walking music. I'll have to see if there is a place I can get it in Canada too, I'm sure there is. I have a tape by Kathy Smith that I used to use, but listening to the same music every time you walk gets boring after a while.

I have heard you say before that you have a 'cheat' day once a week and I think that would be a good idea for me too...and I think maybe a food journal would be a good idea. I've heard that mentioned here before.

Now I just have to follow through on these ideas. I did Step Heat and some yoga this morning, now if I can fit a walk in this afternoon I'm off to a good start!
RE: Couldn't find it either

I also tried to go to that website and I couldn't get on either.
Please check it again. I love recipe sites.

I don't know what is wrong. I have checked a bunch of times, and that's the address I get when I pull it up on my computer. I'll try to figure it out and let you know. Sorry for posting something that no one can get to.

It works!

I was able to bring up the website. It doesn't have www in the address...I don't understand why, because I thought all web address had www in them :-hmmm. That's how much I know about the Internet! Anyway, looks like a great site; thanks for telling us about it!

I see the problem. You told us to use www. and its not there in your last message.
Whew! glad we figured that out.


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