good stuff :-)


Active Member
I'm beginning to get depressed about the ugly thread that is going on, so I've decided to start a new one

Today I did MIS for the second time (I'm trying a rotation that Cathe recently posted--i think it was for Lynn?), and I loved it! Does anyone besides me get more sore from MIS than from the PS series? I'm probably not using high enough weights for the PS tapes, but I have a barbell on order from Troy (YIPPEEE
) so I'm just using the same amount of weight for MIS and PS. But, oh, how I'd love to start my xpress tapes! They just arrived yesterday but I'm sticking to this other rotation for a couple more weeks. I just might substitute some of the cardio from the express tapes for the cardio in my rotation--I don't think I can wait

ok, I rambled, but it got my mind of the other thread!
Have a great day, everyone !
Hi Wendy!!

I get sore from MIS also. I don't have the PS Series(except for what I taped off of the t.v), but everytime I do MIS I always feel it in my inner thighs the next day! I just did Leaner Legs today and I'm already feeling this one!! Boy, do you have some willpower
! Let me know how long you hold out from the express series. I lasted an hour
hi Aimee

I'm previewing leaner legs as I write this, and I have a sneaking suspicion that I just might have some soreness ofter this one
I just went over my schedule, and tomorrow I'm supposed to do Stepworks. I'm just going to go ahead and do two of the express cardios--any suggestions?

What self-control you have Wendy! I sure couldn't wait and finish a rotation with new Cathe tapes sitting there!!! I had to tear into them the first Friday night they arrived AND do two of them.... LOL!!!!

AS for MIS, I haven't done it in probably over a year....Although I'd have to go back and check my log. I was doing it 3x a week before the PS series came out... I have a love/hate relationship with that one also!
Maybe I should blow the dust off it and do it again.

Gotta love the forum, for reminding me of the tapes I have that I haven't done in awhile....

As for Cardio?? The All Step is GREAT... Kickbox one has ALOT of drills in it (which are fantastic and I love), but expect some upper body soreness from this one!
You know Leaner Legs is ALL legs.... Power Circuit is Great, so is Step & Intervals and 10/10/10?? Gee, guess I didnt' help too much now did I???


PS... And NanC ... just read your thread about the clothing... LOL.. And just HOW many outfits do you own??? tee-hee...

Do All Step and 10-10-10!! I'm going to do those two today and then we can compare notes

What a great idea! Oh, I just suddenly have that excited butterfly feeling in my stomach in anticipation of doing these tapes! How silly! Ok, ok, I'm calming down. Alright Amy, I'll do 10-10-10 and All Step, and if I'm coherent I'll post to compare with you. Keep in mind that I'm three hours behind you time-wise and probably three levels behind you fitness-wise, so my post may be late and lame!
(I'm ok with that--I'm not being self-critical! This is a posotive thread
Talk to you soon,
Hi Wendy...question for you!

I did MIS for the first time on Thursday, and today (Sunday) is the first day that I'm actually able to move without feeling every muscle in my body! I've been doing the PS series for about three weeks and upon Cathe's suggestion, threw MIS in on my fourth week. I was totally wiped out by the end! And I can't wait to do it at the end of this week!

I wanted to ask about the Troy barbell that you ordered. What was the price and what did that price include? I went onto their website and didn't feel that they gave enough information, but haven't had the time to contact them by phone. I'd like to get about 40 pounds in weight, which I'm sure will hold me for a long time to come!


Just finished All Step and I'll be doing 10-10-10 at 6:00est. I'm not going to say anything until you post me with what you think. I don't want to ruin it for you

Hi Michele--
yeah, the website wasn't very helpful, was it? I got my info from another thread a few weeks (months?) ago. You have to call Bob Harms (1800 872 7767 ext 207) to get it. Here's the deal, although I don't have my paperwork handy, so details might be off a little:
54" barbell that weighs 4.5 lbs
3 sets of plates (7.5, 5, and 2.5 lbs)
rubber encased
$1 or $2 per lb of additional weight ( I'm not getting extra, so I'm not sure of the price)
The set cost I think $55, and shipping from Texas to Arizona was around $15, so my whole deal will be about $70, which is not spare change to me but my boyfriend said " If i were you I would have ordered that thing months ago. Just get it. You need it for these new videos, right? What are you waiting for?", so I took his advice! ( I actually have messages left with Bob Harms, but the order has not yet gone through--I'm just waiting for the long weekend to be over to finalize
I am so looking forward to doing my workouts with a barbell! I'm tired of puuting washcloths under the straps of my sportsbra to cushion the dumbells on my shoulders!
have a nice day

thanks for the info...

...and for getting back to me so fast. You could say I'm a little addicted to this forum - I think I log on at least two or three times a day!

I already have a barbell that I bought from the FIRM years ago, and while I really like the bar, it only comes with very light weights and I haven't checked into whether heavier weights are made for it. The Troy is my next step.

A barbell will make a huge difference in your'll love it and be so glad you splurged!
dripping with sweat!

I can't write now, but I want to let you know I did them both, they are both great, I am still sweating after my cool shower. I can't wait to talk to you about them, but my boyfriend is going to kill me if I don't get off the net!
Lots to tell you!!

As you know, I did All Step earlier, and now I've finished with 10-10-10. Loved them both, although I feel that AS(all step), so far, has the most complex coreography. Anyway, in between my workouts I went barbell shopping at the K-Mart that is closing by me, and I got a 70lb barbell for $25.00!!! OK, it's not a Troy, it just an old cast iron barbell. But I thought "What the heck?" So I did my triceps with it and they are still quivering away!! The resistance really does feel different!! OK, post back and tell me what you thought when you're sure your boyfriend won't commit murder
If It's Okay to Jump In - Have You Guys Done Step & Intervals Yet?

I think I need a form pointer for the barbell chest presses. I've been doing PS series regularly for a couple of months and feel good about where I am with it. But when I did (or tried to) do the barbell chest presses in Step & Intervals for the first time today, it wasn't pretty. I got through the first set of 24 pre-fatiguing reps; really, really struggled through the second set and was pretty much a wasteland after that. The weird thing though is that my biceps and triceps gave out on me, not my chest muscles. Am I doing something wrong or are these exercises just so different that I should expect this to happen? I know Cathe is very clever about getting us to work our muscles in different ways and I'm always happy for a challenge. I just want to make sure I'm doing it right.

Thanks for any advice
. BTW, I think the cardio section in this tape has to be my favorite 20 minutes of Cathe cardio work.

I had the same problem

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Sep-03-00 AT 08:41PM (EST)</font></center>

until just this past winter. My boss who is a PT. told me I was letting the back of my shoulders come up too far on the up part of presses. It took a lot of concentration, but I finally got the hang of making sure my shoulder blades stayed in contact with the bench. Really focus on the pec muscles. I keep saying chest, chest, chest when I do presses to keep me focused. Also, I find doing presses at an incline a lot easier than doing them flat. Is this just me? Or have you experienced the same thing? BTW, SNI is my favorite too
Shhhh... he's sleeping!

Hey, Amy. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you--it's only 9:40 here, but 12:40 on the east coast, so I'm sure you won't get this till tomorrow. Anyway, I hope you liked the tapes as much as I did! I must start by saying HOW does Cathe manage to talk in such a normal tone of voice while doing these things?!? These are intense (as is everything of hers that I've done)!
First, All Step, because I did it first: I need to stop myself from holding my breath when I'm learning new moves! I was out of breath with that beginning choreography--all those rocks and triples and mambos--not big movements but a little tricky since they're new. Once I had that down I reminded myself to breath and the rest of the tape didn't find me hyperventilating! (I breathe long, deep and slow during my cardio workouts, and it really helps me to keep my heart rate down and feel good during intense cardio. I started this when I was trying running for a while, and it works great for me.) I liked how Cathe mentioned modifications and lower impact options, and even more I loved the up, jack, rock down, jump twice, repeater, box lunge! The heel-toe hopturn jack was extremely fun, too! All in all, the choreography was FUN and my heart rate monitor was going crazy! I had to pause once during the tape (and during 10-10-10, too) to get my heart rate back into my training zone, and I was glad I was wearing it, because I was having so much fun I probably wouldn't have stopped on my own. Ok, Ok, I need to leave some room for 10-10-10!
I'm wondering if you liked the kickbox stuff, since I know you don't really like kickbox in general. Personally I thought it was really fun--she kept you moving (those double side slides with hamstring curls around the step were harder than they look!), and she is so sharp and powerful with her punches and kicks! I don't feel very good about my kicking form, especially side kicks, but its something to work up to. I do not look the same as these women when I am doing the power hops front--you know the ones I mean? Those will be tough when I can finally accomplish them with my thighs paralell to the ground! Gol-lleee!
I've never done a high low workout, and it looked tougher to me than it felt. the choreography wasn't very complex, but that was welcome, especially considering the speed of the music! Again, they are having so much fun, and it is contagious.
I was feeling strong and went all out, but had to modify certain parts at the end (high knee jogs and high kicks) so that I could stay all out with the plyo jumps andplyo heel digs--loved 'em!
After all that, the tempo of the step segment seemed sooo nice and s..l..o..w! I was too tired to concentrate on that double ricochet, but I liked the LOW straddle down after the hop turn, and the knee straddle ball change was neat too.
Ok, after reading this over, it seems like I just went over every step in each video! I guess that shows that every part about them is great! I really like the lenght of these tapes, so you can mix them up together like this.
Ok, so what did you think?
Post soon

I just forgot to wake my husband up!

And he has to work today!! Whoops! Wendy, I LOVED 10-10-10 and All Step. The mambos and triplets got to me at first too!! I'm going to try that deep slow breathing that you do, and see if it'll help me. You know, it's weird, but I like the little bit of kickboxing in 10-10-10, Circut Max, and Power Circut. It's just when a whole tape is kickboxing I don't like it. Which is one of my tapes today, doing the bis'. Oh man, those power hops made my legs weak!!! My quads felt like jello! But I really liked them. Something different, I've never seen those. The hi/lo part I liked also, I had to modify too. I don't mind though, cause when I master these tapes I will know I've gotten stronger, one day I'll even master the kickboxing
! So far, All Step and Step-n-Intervals are my favorites of the 6-pak. If I had to pick an over all winner of all eight, it would be Cicut Max
! AWESOME!! I know, I know, I still have one tape to go, but I don;t think it'll be a favorite. That's ok, though maybe it will grow on me
and the weights?

I only did the cardio portions of the videos, because I'm back to PS this week, but I think you're doing the weight part, too (?). So, what do you think? How do they compare with --oh, shoot, you don't have the PS series,so you? Well, how do they compare with MIS? Or for that matter, how do they stand on their own? I have three more weeks to go without doing these, but I looked over my rotation this morning and i think I can easily substitute cardio from any of these for the cardio I'm supposed to do. ALSO: Cathe specifically said to substitute leaner legs for PS SLA when the new tapes arrive, so I'm dreading...oh, uh, I mean LOOKING FORWARD to...doing that on Saturday.
Yep, I'm looking at the xpress tapes right now. I've got to decide what cardio to do today. I have a feeling you might suggest SNI...
I like the weights,

The weights compare to MIS and from what I taped off of the t.v of the PS SERIES. However, I prefer higher weight/less reps. Either way, the weight sections have left my muscles shaking for at least 20mins afterward
! Cardio today,hmm... Yep, do SNI! Also, I did the kickboxing/bicep tape this morning and I LOVED it!! Can you believe it!! I'm still in shock over liking this tape so much!! So far, this is the only kickboxing tape I have ever done that I like. Maybe there is hope......

So glad you liked the kickboxing, Amy. I am going to do step and intervals this evening--can't wait

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